What is your favorite map + mode combo?


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
  • Favorite Stages + Modes
    • Arowana Mall + Splatzone = Different places to divide and conquer. Bomb range is also helpful for an element of surprise. I recommend Splat bombs for the ramps in the middle.
    • Museum D'alfonsino + Splatzone/Tower Control = Easier to cover ground with ink and better access to the opposing team's side.
    • Mahi-Mahi Resort + Splatzone = Has a lot of room and high ground. Also has the quickest route which has some cover.
    • Walleye Warehouse + Splatzone = Lots of cover to hide behind and maybe some wall tricks that can be used on every wall including the boxes.
  • Meh Stages + Modes
    • Blackbelly Skatepark + Splatzone/Tower Control = Lots of cover, splat the walls to climb over to the other teams side for a surprise attack. Unless you're prepared to get splatted, don't climb up the middle of the stage. Sprinklers are decent for distractions and in the right spot are great for splatzone. Never really played much Tower Control on this stage, but sandwiching might work. I'll have to experiment more with that.
    • Saltspray Rig + Splatzone = Has plenty of High ground. Quick reflexes are needed to reach the center along with spacial awareness to prevent sneak attacks.
    • Walleye Warehouse + Tower Control = Easier access to opposing team's side.
    • Port Mackerel + Splatzone = Stages has a lot places to hide and corners to turn. I should probably try Ninja Squid there. Snipers seem to love inking the corridors, luckily you can hide behind the walls and let them come to you.
    • Piranha Pit + Splatzone/Tower Control = Kind of a challenge, unless someone makes it to your side and cover the ground with their ink. There's a risky way of covering more ground, but no one has to be near the spawn point or see you. Tower Control is more challenging since the inclined conveyor belts are connected now and there are more places to hide behind.
    • Ancho-V games + Splatzone
    • Kelp Dome + turf war
    • Hammerhead Bridge + Splatzone
    • Flounder Heights + Splatzone/Tower Control = Reaching the building and watching the map to see where the other team is going for a surprise attack is helpful. Also, Covering parts of the building that people rarely take notice of.
    • Camp Triggerfish + Splatzone/Tower Control = I find
  • Stages + Modes I tend to Stay Away From
    • Any stage with Rainmaker - Feels like an escort mission or Football except the only way to pass the ball is when you die.
    • Camp Triggerfish - Has a divide and conquer process that I'm trying to resolve. What makes it more difficult is that rank matches lower the floodgates at the beginning of the match.
    • Ancho-V games + tower control
    • Kelp Dome +Tower Control/Splatzone
    • Moray Towers + everything - In my perspective requires a lot of climbing and teamwork. Never be alone on this stage without a backup plan. If you or your teammate are "shooter, you can shoot the bridges from above which can keep you safe while covering more ground. The benefits from shooting above ground is that you can sandwich an opponent that way.

      Wow......I really typed a lot. I kind of skipped on explaining the other stages.
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Inkling Cadet
Sep 9, 2015
Sao Paulo
Any stage with Rainmaker - Feels like an escort mission or Football except the only way to pass the ball is when you die.
I agree, and I also stay away from Rainmaker. "Football except the only way to pass the ball is when you die" hahahah


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
I never thought about picking a single favourite, but if I were to go through each mode and pick stages of which I'm a particular fan:
  • Turf War: perhaps Piranha, as I'm a fan of the huge scores one can build up there (save for when the room is populated by terrifying S+ players who prevent me from going anywhere). Flounder has a lot of freedom of movement which works well with my weapon choices, so I have fun there. I quite enjoy Arowana, too, which seems to be a less than popular opinion...
  • Splat Zones: Triggerfish is an enjoyable map for me with its two nearby Zones, although perhaps even more so is Flounder. In both cases, the Zones are in Burst Bomb reach of one another; any excuse to work with them means a good stage for me. As an aside, I find Bluefin really interesting here, as it's the only truly asymmetrical map/mode combo in the game due to the zone on one side of the stage's split. I've never been sure which team has the advantage here.
  • Tower Control: I've always found Hammerhead an intense but fun map with its bottlenecks at the walled-off segments. Ancho-V works well here as well, as, in my experience, it's hard but fair to make any sort of push due to A) how exposed the Tower starts out and B) how enemy-dominated its path is after climbing out of the central area.
  • Rainmaker: I was always a fan of how intense this mode is in Bluefin. Mahi-Mahi is also fun due to the multiple completely different routes there are to the enemy side.


Apr 5, 2016
I love the SplatZone in the Walley Warehouse : some walls to hide behind and get around an opponent... A way to enter the ennemy's zone and catch the ennemies by surprise

Them Best T

Mar 18, 2016
turf war is definitely piranha pit, because I usually get over 1300 points on it and the map is really big, but I don't like it on all of the other modes because it is really chaotic in ranked.
My favorite splatzone map is camp triggerfish, because of the ways to flank and 2 zones that you can reach with most weapons.
tower control is blackbelly and rainmaker is port makrel.


Apr 5, 2016
United Kingdom
Turf War - Anything, although Piranha Pit and Flounder Heights are great.
Splat Zones - Arowana, Walleye and Piranha
Tower Control - Triggerfish, Kelp, Blackbelly, Ancho-V
Rainmaker - Arowana, Walleye, Flounder

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
For Turf, most maps are fine. The low stakes of Turf make the concern about a map's good feel less important I guess. If I had to pick a favorite, probably Kelp Dome, Salt Spray, and Walleye.

For Zones, my favorite would probably be Walleye. One large zone, approaching and defending are fairly tense since there are so many ways to get into the fray. It feels fair as well. Black Belly Zones is also a lot of fun, I have some good strategies there.

For Tower. That's tougher to say since I never feel comfortable in that mode. I guess any map that does not have the tower's route always in view. Enemy snipers being able to take you out when you can't move much on the tower isn't fun.

For Rainmaker, Walleye, and Triggerfish. I like the layouts, and the multiple paths to the rainmaker totem. Most stages are pretty good on rainmaker though.
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Inkling Cadet
Feb 5, 2016
Urchin Underpass TC
Walleye Warehouse SZ, RM
Hammerhead Bridge RM
Camp Triggerfish - anything except turf wars

Ps I don't like turf wars


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
Turf War: Hammerhead Bridge is probably my favorite here. Blackbelly Skatepark and Walleye Warehouse are fun too.
Tower Control: Mahi-Mahi Resort is my favorite map for TC, no doubt. Other favorites are (in no particular order): Arowana Mall, Piranha Pit, Moray Towers, Urchin Underpass, and Ancho-V Games.
Rainmaker: My favorite mode. Port Mackerel is my go-to map of choice here. Other favorites are: Arowana Mall, Camp Triggerfish (with a good team), and Bluefin Depot (good challenging map for Rainmaker).


Inkster Jr.
Jan 24, 2016
Turf war: Walleye, Saltspray
SZ: Walleye, Blackbelly
TC: Hammerhead, Blackbelly, Camp
Rainmaker: Flounder, Hammerhead, Arrowana.

Captain Woomy

Woomy Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
I don't have a definite reason for this, but there's just something about Camp Triggerfish in turf wars that I love.


Inkster Jr.
Apr 27, 2016
New York
Switch Friend Code
Triggerfish and Piranha Pits are easily my favorite maps on Turf War. You can make some serious points on those two when it comes to inking turf.

As for Ranked Mode: Splatzones on Triggerfish and Tower Control on Flounder Heights are the best. Can't say too much about Rainmaker, as I rarely play it...


Inkster Jr.
Apr 15, 2016
Flounder Heights - TC/SZ
I like it because while it's short, there's so many angles to go in from and around, and while snipers can take advantage of this map, there's ways to go around and get them from behind.

Walleye Warehouse - SZ
My friend and I were forced to play this map and this mode so much that we got pretty good at it.

Blackbelly Skatepark - SZ
Serious ring around the rosy. And all this map is really good for.
I like Blackbelly for the same reason. I have had a lot of success in Splat Zones just whipping around the ramps and inking as I go.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Museum Splat Zones - Are there enemy chargers? Is my team competent? No and yes? I'll just be hanging out on the mid-upper platform engaging in hardcore zoning where I can't be reached, don't mind me fellas :D

Minato Arisato

Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2014
Museum SZ - I seem to be pretty decent there with the Zink Mini. I can at least duck behind the middle pillar if there's a charger out for my blood. Plus, there's a lot of ground to cover, so my special gets charged pretty quickly.

Or...basically anything SZ. Except Blackbelly. I hate that stage. Although I found out today that Ancho-V Games SZ can have some serious frame rate drops. Not sure how I feel about that yet.

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