Why do people rage quit?


Semi-Pro Squid
May 7, 2015
I don't get why people rage quit. Of course while some of them are just unintentional disconnections, I honestly don't think someone should be playing this game if they feel the need to pretty much screw their team over because a match isn't going their way. I've been in so many situations where it looked like we were going to lose and we ended up turning the match around at the last second. Just because a match looks bad at first does NOT mean that your team doesn't still have a chance. You do. You just have to actually try and not give up in the middle of the match.
It's not because people don't wanna lose and if it seems hopeless they quit, it's if the other team is brutal and much better than them. I may be wrong but I think rage quitting is always out of frustration. People don't get that frustrated merely by seeing a pointless match, people get frustrated when everything is too hectic and they repetitively get killed quickly without standing a chance against the other team... Usually happens if your team doesn't support you well or if the other team is just that much more skilled


Oct 31, 2016
I've to admit, I got mad sometimes, but I never turn off my console. I just want to fully play a few sessions. The main reason I get mad, is because I'm level 37, but always get placed in a room of people who are level 50, and are much more experienced in the game. Sure, I sometimes get placed in a room with people of level 15 - 21, but that doesn't sound fair either, right? I hardly get placed in a room with peeps of my own level. I don't know if someone else is struggling with this problem? It annoys me, but I never quit the game over it.


Full Squid
Jan 18, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Switch Friend Code
If your in a match and all three of your teammates dropout at the same time, then it's justified and I've had this happen to me twice


Jan 18, 2017
The people rage quitting think that the match is hopeless, so they just quit (mainly in ranked mode) to persevere their rank, or to get on a "worthy" team.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Depends on the match?

I've had Splat Zone matches where my teammates would get splatted, respawn, solo back into the fray, get splatted, respawn, solo back into the fray, get splatted, respawn, solo back into the fray, get splatted, respawn, solo back into the fray, get splatted, respawn, solo back into the fray, get splatted, respawn, solo back into the fray, get splatted, respawn, solo back into the fray, get splatted, respawn, solo back into the fray, get splatted, respawn, solo back into the fray—the entire time! This loop is most vicious when there's only two of us (often including me) on the field at a given time while the other team has three/four on the field and much of the map covered. And it's not like I can successfully communicate to them to "wait, gather, and go" instead.

In Rainmaker, one of my two my biggest distastes are teammates who bring the fish back to base when we're in the lead, get splatted, the base is overrun, then the other team takes the lead or knockout almost automatically. The other being when no other teammate wants to carry the rainmaker while I either have a special, heavy weapon, long range weapon, or being the only turf-o-matic in the group. As a result, someone on the other team picks up the rainmaker—a few going as far as traveling in our own ink so not to be noticed—and going as far as getting a knockout for their boldness.

Tower Control? I don't encounter too many irritating issues specific to just that mode beyond the occasional no one wants to get on the tower or at least ink the area ahead before getting on the tower so you're not completely surrounded by enemy ink.

All together, there's always that one player who either never left the spawn pad or gives up and stays there. When that happens the match is usually pretty much lost.

So in those cases, sometimes I just briefly unplug the lan adapter and quickly get to my next match rather than wait for the current match to end, wait for the results, then finally get a continue screen.


Full Squid
May 28, 2015
Bloomington, IN
I normally don't ragequit either, even when I know I'm not playing well, but last night I was getting so tilted over it I was like "I [i[have[/i] to stop playing right now, if only for my mental health". Didn't matter that it was in the middle of a match, I had to draw the line somewhere. And you know what? I don't regret it either, aside from the whole leaving-your-teammates-behind thing, but it's not like I know them online or vice versa anyway. Of course I can take steps to not have to quit mid-match again in the future, but at the time it was the right call imo.

Kowai Yume

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 24, 2015
Here's my opinion. They're probably on the verge or ranking down or on a losing streak. So they gamble and hope things get better. If not, they'll quit even with time left on the clock. Bonus points if they run :ability_quickrespawn::ability_stealthjump: in hopes that something would happen.


Jan 14, 2017
Space Ghost, East Coast
You can technically [rage] quit without turning the system off. Put down the game pad for 30+ seconds, it disconnects you.
I don't rage quit per se. I disappointed quit. I can usually tell when my team is one of those teams that only has a chance if an enemy disconnects, so it feels futile.

Call me a pessimist, but I'm usually multitasking when I play splatoon, so I might as well invest more time in the other task that stick around for the chance at an unlikely win.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You can technically [rage] quit without turning the system off. Put down the game pad for 30+ seconds, it disconnects you.
I don't rage quit per se. I disappointed quit. I can usually tell when my team is one of those teams that only has a chance if an enemy disconnects, so it feels futile.

Call me a pessimist, but I'm usually multitasking when I play splatoon, so I might as well invest more time in the other task that stick around for the chance at an unlikely win.
That's more irritating than if you just disconnected. Giving up on matches isn't a winning attitude, and it gives people plenty of time to make a note of your handle for blocking purposes.

But then, you don't care about dragging down 3 other people, so you probably don't mind.


Banned (6 points)
Dec 9, 2016
You can technically [rage] quit without turning the system off. Put down the game pad for 30+ seconds, it disconnects you.
I don't rage quit per se. I disappointed quit. I can usually tell when my team is one of those teams that only has a chance if an enemy disconnects, so it feels futile.

Call me a pessimist, but I'm usually multitasking when I play splatoon, so I might as well invest more time in the other task that stick around for the chance at an unlikely win.
Oh man, players with this mentality are the worst! I hate those people which stop to play, just because the enemy team is leading.


Jan 14, 2017
Space Ghost, East Coast
That's more irritating than if you just disconnected. Giving up on matches isn't a winning attitude, and it gives people plenty of time to make a note of your handle for blocking purposes.

But then, you don't care about dragging down 3 other people, so you probably don't mind.
That assumption was very uncalled for. Also I'm not very competitive; letting a game get to you isn't a healthy attitude.

Oh man, players with this mentality are the worst! I hate those people which stop to play, just because the enemy team is leading.
That scenario makes up a marginal percent of the cases I do this. Usually it's because my team is squid partying and I just want to play. I'm not going to be that person that spams "c'mon" when people want to have a good time.

You two should ask some more questions before saying that kind of stuff. It's not nice.


Jan 14, 2017
Space Ghost, East Coast
Perhaps you should articulate yourself a little bit more precisely, to prevent to get misunderstood.
It's a balance of exchange. Too many details can be confusing and overwhelming. Not enough details can lead to situations like this. Questions are still good to ask.

I will apologize for not being specific enough since we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I'm going to stop here because these messages aren't adding to the thread's topics and are instead throwing salt around.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
That assumption was very uncalled for. Also I'm not very competitive; letting a game get to you isn't a healthy attitude.
There are many, many players with mindsets similar to yours. Just look at League of Legends and the like. "The match isn't going how I like, so I'm going to idle".

Yes, it's an assumption, but considering how many people DO that irritating activity, why should anyone think otherwise when it comes to you? The onus on us isn't on us to ask more questions when this is how you've presented yourself.

Also, not being competitive is not an excuse for ruining other people's leisure time. I can relate to your problems with squid parties, but either play the game or don't boot it to begin with.


Senior Squid
Jul 24, 2016
I've never rage quitted in Ranked matches, but I've definitely done so in Turf War, and it mostly happens when it seems like I'm the only one trying to push while the rest of the team just hangs around on our side of the map. It wouldn't feel as frustrating if I knew the rest of the team DC'd, but if it's a situation where I'm on my own when facing the enemy team while my teammates just hang back in our corner, then yeah I'll put my gamepad down on the floor and wait until the match ends.


Full Squid
Jan 18, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Switch Friend Code
I don't appreciate whenever people rage quit. No one does. Going AFK is different because everyone leads a different life and sometimes something just comes up that you can't outright ignore, and therefore should take priority over playing a video game. I know I had to abandon a couple matches before myself because of things I couldn't control and that required my immediate attention, taking priority over maintaining my B+ rank. However, there is also a fine line I think no one has really established here yet that a disconnect and rage quitting are two completely different things.

Rage quitting is someone just giving up on a the match because it either isn't going their way, they are frustrated with how they or their teams are playing, or, and really the only "reasonable" reason to rage quit, bailing on a match that had a bunch of disconnects at the start (as I mentioned in an earlier post) and the rest of your team that didn't disconnect decided to bail. Disconnecting is something you don't control. People can either be unlucky and have power outages, due to bad weather or falling power lines, they could live in a rural area where internet connection isn't always stable because not all of us are fortunate to live in a metropolis area or they just can't afford good internet/don't have a good internet service provider where they are. I had this problem a few years back as well, so I can sympathize here.

A rage quit is a shameful act where there is no rewards and your penalized by having to sit through the map rotation again upon re-entry (a reason why skipping the map rotation should not be implemented into Spla2n, because then it takes the punishment away and instead you just get no points from the match you rage quit on), but a disconnect is discouraging for both parties, especially the ones that disconnected, because all they wanted was to enjoy a proper game for once without their connection crapping out on them.


Jan 14, 2017
Space Ghost, East Coast
I've never rage quitted in Ranked matches, but I've definitely done so in Turf War, and it mostly happens when it seems like I'm the only one trying to push while the rest of the team just hangs around on our side of the map. It wouldn't feel as frustrating if I knew the rest of the team DC'd, but if it's a situation where I'm on my own when facing the enemy team while my teammates just hang back in our corner, then yeah I'll put my gamepad down on the floor and wait until the match ends.
I understand. Ranked matches have points at stake, which is something to consider when DQ'ing (but imo someone should never voluntarily do in Ranked)

I don't condone rage quitting, but the point I previously failed to convey was that there are certain situations that are at least in some way, understandable to quit a game. The stigma and emotional response towards rage quitting, while warranted, shouldn't hinder or shame conversation about the various motives for doing so.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
Because they're angry and don't want to continue. Frustration is natural and as long as the situation really is that one-sided, I wouldn't blame them. Anybody who claims they've never been angry to the point where they quit something is lying. We can't understand frustration over a mere game, but to them it's like something else is to us. I can think of other situations where I've definitely said "**** this, I'm out.".

Besides, while I may not rage quit, in situations where there is a disconnection in my team and the other team is clearly superior, I'm also not really gonna try, It's a mere game after all. Wouldn't know where to get that kind of motivation from.


Jan 30, 2017
I can't say that I've ever done a rage quit myself (Not mid match, anyway. I've certainly quit the game after a match due to being upset and needing a break), though I have disconnected a few times in matches thanks to my internet decided it wants to do flips and fall over.

Anyway, I will comment that to me personally sometimes rage-quitting does seem like a tempting option, such as when my other teammates throw the game, I'm just having a really bad experience, and so on. Often times I don't blame people for leaving the match (Because sometimes it could be a disconnect, right?), but perhaps that's because I... well, I hate admitting that I get angry at other people, plus I know that I've been very close to rage-quitting multiple matches myself and I can imagine what they might be thinking or feeling (I'll be the first to say that I'm an extremely pessimistic person and have a massive quitter's attitude, even if I force myself to keep the game on or keep the Gamepad in my hands). Personally I usually come the closest to rage-quitting when my entire team is being massively spawn-camped (Massive spawn camp being pinned down some thirty seconds into the match and staying that way for the rest of it, or repeatedly getting spawn camped and pinned in continuous back-to-back matches). I suppose that being able to pin a team like that is an indicator of very, very skilled opponents, but that's the thing that's made me come the closest to the rage quit when I just want to actually play the game and have fun (I know I can't be having fun when upset).

But... Those are just my personal thoughts. I can understand that it frustrates some (I've been frustrated by disconnects/rage quits as well).


Full Squid
Jan 18, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Switch Friend Code
I'm gonna justify disconnects once again here. People says it frustrating to see it happen to someone on their team and to watch their team give up entirely as a result. Those people are dead wrong! It is depressing to have it happen to yourself, especially in ranked! I never actually did experience a drop out myself prior either, so I made a new thread here entitled "The Connection Is Unstable: Splatoon's way of saying it hates you!" because I thought it was a server problem and I wanted to know if I wasn't alone in this retrospect. But no, I was disconnecting all over the place, 12 matches to be exact, 4 of which were ranked and live on stream, and hopefully getting an ethernet adapter fixes my problem here. But from here on out, I am never gonna get upset at someone disconnecting ever again. I know the pain all to well and it hurts! Not being able to play and having to suffer the consequence of having your team hate you and the game denounce you by lowering your rank or not giving you any points, even if the team you were on wins the match without you is agony!

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