"Why is this happening?" IC thread.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2015
This is where I'll give out all GM posts to all characters. So let this RP begin!!

Also just wanted to let you guys know that Rhin won't play a super big part in this RP. He's more of a minor character so his story will be short.
Rhin couldn't sleep or even sit still after what just happened. He paced around his cabin outside of Inkopolis, trying to already find out who did this. He wanted to investigate the stages, but guards wouldn't let him. He decided to Super Jump to Inkopolis to see what other people have to say, after all, anyone can be a suspect correct?

Sophia didn't know how to react to this. Either scream in panic or remain calm. Sophia knew the right choice. She wanted to get to the pit of this soon, but little did she know it wasn't gonna be that easy. Back at her house, she took notes with all the info she's been givin. "I could've been the Octarians...again...but then again why would they attack so recklessly, especially since we put DJ Octavio in a freakin snow globe. Nice decision Cuttlefish. Could it be another Inkling? Why would our own race destroy what's practically in our DNA, Ink Battles?" Sophia thought as he tried to wrap her head around all of her questions she's givin herself.

As soon as he heard this, Bolt immediatly dashed to his house, with amazing speed. He didn't really feel like solving everything now, as he knew this will probably take a while, but what else was there to do?he snapped pictures of the wrecked stages, trying to make himself belive it was just a coincidence, but looking at Bluefin Depot, the train track fell the exact moment the train passed by. That's no coincidence. He belive someone was betraying this, and he needed some help. "Maybe I should get a group for assistance..." Bolt said, running back to Inkopolis

"ARGH!" Blakely said in rage, he was really mad that everything that happened on the screen right now. Her fond for ink battles...all gone...she wanted to do something about it, but what exactly? She wanted answers, but with absolutely nothing but pictures of the wrecked stages for clues, where should she start? Maybe she should investigate the wreckage? Nah, the guards probably will never let her in...she needed a few other brains to help her in this...maybe, other people willing to help? "I'm not sure if this will be safe...probably not...getting some peeps to help is gonna be hard isn't it?" Blakely said as she looked around the Plaza for people who look like they wanna help her.

He didn't know what to say. Well, he usually didn't know what to say anytime outside of battle, after all, he was really shy, which was weird, considering he can be cold at times. He tried to analyze the situation. "Ok...so a person must've done this right? No way this was a coincidence. So someone did this...but exactly who?" Terence wondered. He already had tons of questions zooming around his head, some of which are conspiracys,but then came to his senses.m"Oh cmon Terence, conspiracies? What the heck! Pull it together!" Terence thought in his head. See? He was even cold to himself! Anyway, he needed answers. now.

Blitz tried to stay calm, but of course, like every other time, she yelled. She was way too mad to think about who or what did this. Blitz hated losing, so looking at the photos of the wrecked stages, it's like the world texted Blitz "Hey Blitz! Just wanted to let you know that we can't play turf war anymore. So yea!" Now she felt like, well, she lost everything. If she ever got her hands on the person who did this, she would get close to almost kill him/her. She needed to sort things out. Calmly. She looked around the giant crowed, both shocked and angry. Maybe she could get help?

She cursed aloud in jellyfish. Although she didn't really understand what the Squid Sisters said, like usual, it was pretty obvious to her that the stages were destroyed and that there's no more Ink battles until their fixed, which will take months. Which means months of no ink battles?" Kei was enraged a little by this. She was very fond of Ink Battles and look, their already destroyed? Cmon. "I wonder who did this...? Maybe an Octarian? Octoling? Did DJ Octavio escape or something?" Kei didn't really know. She was sorta lost. Maybe she needed some guidance? But who would understand her language? She barely knows the Inkling language too, so, what should she do?

"Ok. Wow." Kbot thought as he took in everything and tried to look at this in a positive way. Ok. He couldn't. This was AWFUL. He had five options.
1: Go crazy and just be mad
2: Ignore this
3: see what other people will do
4: still think about this list
5: find some pals to help
Kbot really did need help from a small team if he wanted to get down to business with this, so number five was the best option. He looked around the plaza, but judging from most of the people's faces, they just wanted to sit around and cry. "Inklings these day. They all care about fashion and Ink Battles but don't wanna investigate. She needed some time to research anyway, so she walked home.

Sorry if they were a bit short, but I'm sure the posts will get larger later on. Anyway, if you feel like you character isn't how you described it, lemme know straight away.

Posts are due next week, August 31, at anytime, so I recommend you post before then!
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Senior Squid
Aug 14, 2015
Kei Corriente slumped against the bench with her friend, Jalea. Nothing much was happening...
"Do you think I need a new charger or should I try out a new weapon?" Kei asked Jalea, the jellyfish agreed to getting s new charger, since that was the only weapon that Kei checked her wallet... She didn't have enough money for a new one.
Time for another Turf War.
Kei skipped to the lobby, Jalea just barely keeping up.


Inkster Jr.
Jul 19, 2015
Inkopolis of course
Blakey looked around inkopolis plaza going up to multiple people asking for help. They all surprisingly declined. She had never seen others in such a depressed time. She was very upset with the incident, but she kept walking around more. After another hour of straight up rejection, she went into Jelly Fresh to catch her breath. She felt the cool gentle breeze as she pushed open the doors. She walked in and took a deep breath. She sat down in a chair and looked down. "H-how could this happen... I need some serious down time to think this all over. Nobody's even trying to find out anything," She said with confusion in such a depressing time in her life. "But there must be someone..."


Inkster Jr.
Aug 10, 2015
Blitz growled in frustration as she stomped away from the thinning crowd of Inkopolis citizens. They were weak and of no use to her and were stupid to just sit there ad do nothing.

Her SquidPhone repeatedly buzzed, each time with a new, panicked message. Not even bothering to look at the phone, she made her way small alley Spyke resided on. She then proceeded to shout numerous profanities that would of earned her a penalty in Turf War. Honestly, she would of rather been shot by twenty Inkzookas at once than have to deal with this mess.

Blitz suddenly stopped her string of curses at the sound of footsteps running in the opposite direction from her. Let them run, she thought darkly. The walls of the alleyway cast shadows on her already dark eyes, giving her a deadly look. Her stitches were fresh and highly noticeable, even from a distance. Overall, she looked like inklling who just stepped out of a war zone.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Terence approached random Inklings around the Plaza, most of them being too shocked or depressed to say anything of value. "I could try going to one of the stages... Oh wait police." Terence muttered beneath his breath as he left the Plaza to the train station, he looked around seeing a Jellyfish thingy run to Inkopolis Tower, Terence viewed them suspiciously but he didn't want to confront anyone just yet. Not to mention Jellyfish pack a punch with that sting of theirs.

He looked at the train schedule. All the stages but bluefin depot read out of order instead reading derailment and the rest of the destinations were delayed. Derailment? That sounded awfully strange, Terence looked around the station. Packed and filled with despairing Inklings, he walked away seeing that he wouldn't be getting home anytime soon. He analyzed the train derailment and the delayed trains, perhaps bluefin depot would be his best bet even if it means getting in trouble with the police.


Pro Squid
May 7, 2015
After too much time spent looking at the facts in front of her, Sophia gave up. She made a dramatic swipe of the notes on her desk, then hurriedly realized the mess she just made and picked everything back up.

For real though, she thought to herself, I'm terrible with notes. I can sit here all day and stare at paper, but someone else would be better at piecing that stuff together.

She decided to head back to Inkopolis Square; perhaps things had cooled down since the initial shock and she could actually get a read on the situation instead of just a headache. She walked out her front door, tilted her head up towards the sky with eyes focused on empty space, and began walking towards the main plaza with long strides.

What is the far-reaching effect of what just happened here? Someone clearly orchestrated this event, what did they gain by it? Was something supposed to happen if ink battles went on as planned? Was there going to be a Splatfest, maybe? Is something else going to happen now that battles can't take place? Could this all just be a distraction for some other occurrence? Will the arenas still be safe even after they're repaired? Are we even meant to ever participate in ink battles ever again? Sophia couldn't really see what lay in the distance, but she felt more comfortable asking the questions that were to be found there.

Arriving in Inkopolis, Sophia headed straight toward one of her favorite benches, but found it occupied by a Jelly and a Jellyling. She could easily overhear their conversation, but couldn't make out what they were saying in their language; Sophia had picked up a few Jellese words and phrases just by listening and paying attention, but all she could sort out from this pair's conversation was the word for "Charger" (one of the first Jellese words Sophia learned, in fact). Fortunately for her, the two were soon off the bench, though oddly enough they were headed to the Lobby; perhaps they weren't fluent in Inkling and didn't understand the situation... or perhaps they were both just a couple of space cadets.

None of that was Sophia's problem; she gladly took her place on the bench, leaned back, propped her arms up on the back of the bench, and surveyed Inkopolis Square. She immediately spotted the beguiling Rhin Ardongale who appeared to be grilling others for details on the situation; that, or she just witnessed the rare sighting of an Octoling running about in public and talking to everyone. She then spotted a towering Colossal Squid Inkling whose name she believed to be Terence, doing very much the same before giving up and heading in the direction of Bluefin Depot.

Sophia saw the pattern and began looking for Inklings who were being more assertive about the situation. It wasn't too long before she noticed the well-off Blakely Humboldt getting more favorable results than the previous two: people were more polite when they declined to help her. She seemed to have been at this for some time now, and Sophia wagered she had it in her to keep on going, but after a while, her resolve dimmed and she took to loitering in Jelly Fresh. Sophia felt it was a shame that the three had come just shy of meeting each other, but she didn't feel like putting the extra effort in to introduce them all either, especially since two of them had settled on being somewhere other than the main plaza.

Some loud diatribe and the hurried shuffling of a distressed Inkling coming out from a nearby alleyway interrupted Sophia's thoughts. If she had to guess, Sophia would attribute that tongue to an Inkling going by the name of Blitz. Truth be told, in her innermost thoughts, Sophia was quite the potty-mouth, but these thoughts never met her lips, and they never rivaled what seemed natural to Blitz's mouth.

"Very interesting..." Sophia mused. She wasn't sure how, but she could see things coming together in the future. For now though, she kept her ears perked up and her eyes open, waiting to see what happened next.
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Senior Squid
Aug 14, 2015
Kei skidded to a halt when she noticed a battle-scarred Inkling passing by, she tilted her head..
Who is that..?
She took a step forward towards the Inkling when she felt a tentacle wrap around her arm, she turned to Jalea.
"Civilized Jellyfish don't stalk people."
"It's not stalking... It's greeting." Kei replied in Inkling.
"Let's just go to the battle tower." Kei sighed in defeat, heading to the battle tower with Jalea. Kei gave a glance to the giant TV again.. It looked like...Destroyed stages.. But... Eh, she couldn't understand the songs anyways.
But who did it though?
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Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
On the way to Bluefin Depot ,Terence began to mull over any interesting facts he saw in the Plaza.
That Jellyfishling and Jellyfish walking to the Battle Tower seemed suspicious but a Jellyfish destroying the Stages? No they couldn't they just seem so adorable to go on destructive rampages, he mentally ruled those two Jellies out.

He saw a horribly scarred Inkling walk into an Alley way. But she didn't seem to be culprit because he heard some colourful language from the alley soon after, So that could've been her stress from the current state of the Stages. So he made a mental note to keep an eye out for any sign of the scarred Inkling. Terence hoped that wasn't the case because if he encountered them, he was worried about being turned into Colossal Sushi.

"Come to think of it, I felt watched in the Plaza." Terence nervously looked behind him, relaxing slightly when he saw no one there. Feeling a bit paranoid though the boy ducked into a alley way and continued on the way to Bluefin Depot. He thought about the popular boy called Rhin, he ruled him out. The poor boy seemed particularly devastated by it and by devastated he meant over dramatic also. Going around interrogating random people, Terence doubted he would get more Info.

He thought about his mysterious observer in the Plaza, Terence attributed it to the various cameras scattered about the Plaza. "It felt like someone was watching me, ugh this entire situation has been so annoying." Terence mumbled, continuing his walk in silence for now.


Senior Squid
Aug 14, 2015
Kei observed everyone in the square, bumping into a few Inklings and nearly stinging them. She shouted a "Sorry" to each one in Jellyfish..
If I wasn't a moon jelly.. You all would be dead.. And I'd finally be alpha... Sadly that'll never happen unless every other jellyfish race stronger than me goes extinct.
She knew moon jellies weren't really in the top ranks, the only reason they weren't ranked lower was because they were so common, making them dangerous in groups.
Kei entered the battle lobby, picking up her Splat Charger.
"I'll just be watching from afar... Don't you dare spray any ink on me." Jalea warned.
"But it was funny though." Kei chuckled, memorizing her last battle, where she had shot a blast of Ink towards Jalea by mistake.
"It wasn't.. Do you know how hard it was to get that off?"
"No, it isn't hard. I don't think." Kei replied in Jellyfish.
"Well then, good luck and I'll be rooting for the enemy team." Jalea said sarcastically.

Kei prepared for battle, adjusting her giant hat.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 10, 2015
After forcing herself to take a deep breath, Blitz stalked out of the alley and back into the crowds of Inklings.

"Who the heck would do such a thing?" she muttered to herself. The Octolings were obviously the first suspects that came to mind. They hated all the Inklings and wanted territory back. Although, why would they just outright attack the stages? Another thing was how would they of even gotten into the stages? Blitz silently shook her head. She didn't think it was any of the Octarians, but then who was it? A terrible thought crossed her mind, What if it was one of us? It made her physically shiver with disgust. Why would an inkling do such a thing? Blitz needed more evidence before she could make any assumptions though.

She Squid Jumped to her apartment in Inkopolis to gather some supplies before heading out to investigate. She landed on the balcony and rushed inside, kicking away weapon parts and discarded scraps of metal. She soon spotted her prized Gold Dynamo Roller and gave a rare smile. She knew it should of been stored in the Lobby, but she had been fixing it up after the fight from a couple days ago. She grabbed it and smirked, remembering all the looks on everyone's faces when she showed up to battle equipped with it.

"Look out you stage killers, cuz now I'm coming for you.'


Inkster Jr.
Jul 19, 2015
Inkopolis of course
Blakely decided she wasn't going to be in a slump,like the other inklings in inkopolis. So she hopped out of her chair and waved goodbye to Jelonzo. She opened the door and looked around. Surprisingly, she found inklings and even two jellyfish who were up and moving as well. She looked over in Spyke's alert to see a rather large inkling. She walked over looking around for any other possible help, just in case they were no help. She stepped up at the edge of the alley an took a deep breath. Okay. Here we go. No worries.

She looked up at the menacing figures face. What a scary face it was. She shook a bit in fear. "H-hello? I was looking for some possible help." She said stepping a bit back.


Senior Squid
Aug 14, 2015
Kei waited patiently for the battle to start, her fingers drumming against the Splat Charger... Finally, there were enough players.
The teams were Blue and Orange. Kei happened to find her self on the blue team.. But the thing is...
The Orange team was filled with Rollers and one splattershot. The map.. Black-Belly Skate Park.

Ok.. First cover the base, then I'll go to high ground and snipe them from there.

The whistle blowed, and both teams charged, splattering ink wherever they go.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2015
((OOC: if you have posted more than once please refrain from posting again until I give out all the GM posts. Thanks!))


Full-time TO
Event Organizer
Jun 6, 2015
The Squidhole
After going back home, Kbot sat and thought about this a bit more. "I guess I'll try joining some team looking into stuff like this" he mutterd to himself. He hopped on the train back to Inkopolis and scanned the crowd for the people who weren't trembling in fear and actually talking about a decent course of action.

If all the maps are wrecked, then only the people who would want to go see the maps like me would be in the lobby. I'll check there. Kbot started towards the lobby, being extra observant along the way. Hopefully his direction would attract attention from somebody. Maybe he should try to start a group.

He didn't find anyone on the way, but Kbot remained hopeful that this was only due to the sheer amount of Inklings in the area. Hopefully people would file out soon.

This is a stretch, but maybe we could gather a search team by making an announcment on the news?


Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2015
Ok. For some reason, @LightningBolt didnt respond in the time limit. One warning. Two more and your out.
Anyway here are the other's GM posts

Oh, and also, your characters won't be meeting up in the story. Well, maybe just pass each other, but don't make a big scen about it ok?
Oh ha, one more thing, this GM post is for everyone to react to. This kind of GM will appear now and then. Not all the time.

"ATTENTION INKOPOLIS" an alarm blared through Inkopolis.
"Due to no more Ink Battles, we reserved the part of a forest just for Ink Battles. It's a huge forest in which you can Navigate through so you can do Turf war/ Splat Zones/ Tower Control/ Rainmaker. Oh yea, now if you Ink Trees, they do count to the results! Ok so now the new and only stage is Emeralda Forest. For Ranked it's Tower control. Explore the stage with Recon. We added some blocks and thicker trees for cover. That's all."

Everyone went silent. Not sure what to do. Be sad because there's only one stage and it's literally a forest. Or be happy that there is a stage at all. Either way, massive crowds stormed towards Inkopolis Tower, so they can actually enjoy themselves on this day. However, a few people knew what to do. Why would they release a new stage? Chances are that stage will be destroyed somehow too! There's some weird Mastermind was behind this. But exactly who? Or what? Who in the world would suggest to renovate a freaking forest? Dunno but sounds like suspicious news. But as we'll explore the stage, after all, it is the biggest stage ever before. It's Definitly worth looking for clues or...y'know...looking for suspicious people and uh...ok, you just wanna do some ink battles then do that!

Posts are due next week.


Senior Squid
Aug 14, 2015
Kei heard the giant blare, turning to it's direction....
...Is that a forest on the screen what does it mean...?
Kei tilted her head in confusion, her jelly hair strands dangling.
Maybe it's a new stage..? It looks good to hide and snipe some people...
Kei stood, staring at the ground as she tried to figure out what the forest was meant to be.


Full-time TO
Event Organizer
Jun 6, 2015
The Squidhole
Kbot heard everyone stampeding towards the tower.

Guess going in that direction was the wrong way. Kbot attempted to get out of the way, and just barely succeeded in doing so. He sat down on a bench and began to think out loud. He wasn't talking that loud, just enough so he could hear it.

"A new stage. In the middle of the forest. Why? That's not even that interesting. It's just a forest. Like we're primitive or something." A sudden realization overcame him.

"Wait a second....did the Squid Sisters announce that stage? That sure as heck didn't sound like them. They always come on with announcements like that. Maybe it's a trap. Carp. Who the heck was that? What business did they have with the mic?"

Kbot stood up and pointed at the newscasting room. "Whoever you are, you are very clever. And if you think you can fool everyone, think again, cause you bet your tentacles that I ain't swimming after your bait."


Inkster Jr.
Aug 10, 2015
Blitz stared dumbfounded at the speaker from her apartment and started to laugh. This had to be a joke. There was no way she was gonna go splat some Inklings in a stupid forest. This was beyond outrageous. Not like a Roller Main would do much. The would be too many obstacles blocking her path and concealing dangers.

Sighing, she decided there was no other lead to inspect. Guess it was time to venture off into a glubbing forest of all places. She tightened her grip on the heavy roller in her hand. She was very concerned about the levels of suspicion. Someone was lying here, and for once it wasn't her.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
After coming back from the clueless Bluefin Depot, Terence arrived back in the Plaza to hear the loud blare rather then the gentle jingle of the Squid Sisters. "A forest stage? Who is going to do that, but the idea of possible clues could be worth traveling into the jaws of the shark." He muttered aloud in the massive crowd. Looking around the crowd, There isn't anything to be seen there, I could enter this possible trap.

But whoever destroyed the stages MUST have some serious Ink power.
Remembering his weapon licenses he quickly pulled out his Shell Phone, looking at his weapons. My Splash-o-matic isn't going to be that effective with Bomb Rush, that's bad. He swiped up to his Splatling, it could be effective now that trees count as coverage--- Wait a second, trees count as covered? That doesn't sound right, an Inkling in Squid form is too heavy be on the leaves, and it could be hiding chargers.

His ink colour turned a bit lighter, putting away his Shell Phone. That's insane, could they be baiting people to be shot? No, stop with the conspiracy theories you idiot, that would effectively declare war if my history teacher taught me anything, but they already destroyed the stages. "Well it seems I'm crazy enough to delve into this carpy plan." He walked through the crowd, being shoved, pushed, kicked and knocked around as if he was in a bubbler. This isn't going to work, too many people and their shortness causing Squall on my legs. I need to get out of this. Quickly getting into a alley, and rubbing his sore legs. He looked up at a familiar Urchin, "Oi love, this ain't no place for massages." Spyke! He'll have what I need "Spyke, do you have anyone with late orders?" "Of course I do, love, especially today alot of people have been--" I'll take a gas mask and a black sleeved LS. " Terence said, while throwing a coin note his way.

Putting on the black sleeved LS and gas mask in one of the alleys around Inkopolis Plaza, keeping his signature yellow vest. He peeked out of the alley, seeing noone was paying -much- attention to him, he quickly got to the crowd and started walking towards the tower, the easily scared and the rookies quickly scrambling out of his way. Hey this disguise is actually working! Keeping his resolute stride he quickly reached the tower.

I actually pulled off a disguise! Normally no one pays attention to this guy, but it could be bad. Pulling his mask off slightly, he took a look at his phone. He updated his appearance to a lie about his new look. Changing it to Pink Work boots, Dark Urban Vest and designer headphones. Looks Inky horrible, hopefully they will be looking for him and not me. Sliding his mask back on, he stood there unmoving aside from his ponytail occasionally twitching due to his dreading excitement. "This is terribly risky plan, but it will do for now. Least it'll help obscure my identity from authorities."

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