WMW|Watch Me Whiprays


The REAL SwimShady
Jan 9, 2016

"I hope you brought lube... and salsa."


We're the Whiprays, a group of fun-loving and laid-back but highly competitive players who've banded together to create a squad designed to help us improve our game and break into the tournament scene. As A and S rank players, we strive to improve our game through strategy, teamwork and practice, practice, practice!

Tournaments We've Been In:

Very Splatty Turf War Tournament
(4th Place, beaten only by the 2 teams that made finals)

Leagues Under the Ink
(5th in Division C5)


Our Roster

Swimly (SwimShady): Team Captain/Slosher Main - Playing primarily support and turf control, my number one goal is to make it as difficult as I can for opponents to reach objectives. I eliminate enemy ink as soon as it hits the ground and I make sure my team always has an easy way back into the fight. My kill count may be low, but I don't need to splat anyone to be a pain in the *** and hold down the fort. I live for splat zones.

Aristeia (Aristeia): Team Captain/Brush Main - Heaven help anyone who meets this guy in a one-on-one. Aristeia is known to have a kill count in the 10's and 20's and is the driving force of our team, be it in offense or defense. Throw in his masterful handle on turf control, and you've got a lean, mean, splatting machine. I didn't even think KDR's like his were possible until I saw him in action. We're also fairly certain he can secretly teleport and that's how he gets around so fast. Aristeia is the wind beneath our wings.

Seth (boredguy108): Charger Main - Seth is the eyes and ears of the team. Rest assured that you won't so much as "Woomy!" without Seth knowing about it and telling us. Scarily accurate and often able to hold off an entire team on his own, Seth is a serious force to be reckoned with. With his sharp eye and memory for loadouts and lightning fast communication, we always know exactly what we're getting into and what to look out for, that is if the opponents manage to get past him.

Cam (Camster): Charger/Gal Main - This guy plays competitive Smash. Like, really, that's all the info you need for you to know that you're going to get your tentacles handed to you on a silver platter. We brought in Cam for extra range support and let me tell you, he is the Wonderbra of support players. Cam is also the one who vocalizes what we're all feeling, with such phrases as "Oh god, why" and "I just can't even deal." We're thrilled to have someone around who can say all the things we're too salty to say in a quiet, unassuming voice. Like a sweet, but highly deadly, lullaby.

XCuber (XCuber2): Blaster Main - What did you just say to him you little squid? I'll have you know XCuber graduated top of his class in the Navy Squids, and he has been involved in numerous secret raids on the Octolings, and he has over 300 confirmed splats. He is trained in gorilla warfare and is the top blaster in the Watch Me Whiprays armed forces. You are nothing to him but another target. He will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Inkopolis, mark my words. He will ink fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're flippin dead, squiddo.

Banksii: Blaster Main - Have you ever been flopping along, playing a fun game for nice people and then BAM a Luna Blaster pops out of the ink and wrecks your whole day and sends you back to spawn with a generous helping of salt? That was probably Banksii. It's generally a good idea to be anywhere he is NOT, because he will find you, and he will leap up from the inky depths and he will END you. He and XCuber on the same team is a bad time for anyone who even thinks about trying to push an objective.

The Whiprays are NO LONGER recruiting. In the even that we open recruitment in the future, here's our requirements:

-Be mature. We prefer 18+ but we can flex on age. (Note that "mature" doesn't mean "not a complete goofball" because we're all goofy. We just mean capable of being adulty when it's time for adulty things like practice and tournaments.)

-Be at least in A- rank. We are going into tournaments after all.

-Be able to use at least 2 types of weapons. We like variety! All of our members have a main weapon and at least one other type of weapon they keep in their back pocket for filling out team compositions as needed.

-Be able to use voice chat. No flexing on this. We gotta talk to you. We use Discord for all our voice chat needs.

-Be a chill person. Like everyone, sometimes we get salty. But 98% of the time we're super relaxed and just enjoy playing the game an having fun.

-Be available for practice. We have official practice every Monday and Wednesday from 8-10pm EST.

-Be available for tournaments. We try to enter tournaments fairly regularly. The times and dates of these tournaments might not line up with our regular practice times, but we'll let you know as far in advance as possible when they happen.

-Be swift as a coarsing Wail, with all the force of a great Inkzooka, with all the strength of a raging Kraken; Mysterious as the outside of Booyah Base.

If you are interested in joining we will ask you for a tryout. Don't be intimidated by this! This is only based partially on skill. As long as you know the game well and play decently, that's good for us. More importantly, we want to know if you mesh well with the group. If we get along well and have fun with you, that's what really matters. Skill can always be improved upon.

Are you all those things?? Rad! Whenever we start recruiting again, fill out the Formy Thing below and send it to ME! (SwimShady)

Name: What do you want us to call you? We generally call each other by our actual names.

Age: Like I said, we prefer 18+, but we're flexible. The youngest in our group is 17. Most of us are in our 20s.

NNID: So we can be friends!

Current Rank and Level: Essential info!

Main Weapon: Duh.

Other Weapons You're Pretty Good At: So we know what options you bring to the table.

Tell us a little about yourself! Nothing fancy. Just a little squidbit about who you are!

Looking to scrim with us? Shoot Aristeia (our other captain) a message and we'll get it set up. We're always looking for a chance to improve!
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Inkster Jr.
Dec 7, 2015
I'm looking through all my options before I actually firmly choose a squad, I hope you don't mind if I send in an application anyways!

(Note: I am unaware of how to change my username so I don't know how to remove my very old tag, just to clarify)


Inkster Jr.
Dec 7, 2015
Ah. I thought there was an actual form, so I didn't notice the age tidbit. I'd like to say that I can handle jokes and mature statements if that's what the age is for.


Inkster Jr.
Dec 7, 2015

• My real name is Ryan.
• I am only 13, and if it can't work, than that's fine, but I'm generally a serious guy.
• My ID is rydiggity456.
• I'm an S rank level 50.
• I main the Custom Jet Squelcher.
• I additionally use the Tri Slosher, Sloshing Machine, both Dual Squelchers, the .52 Gal, Octoshot, Eliter 3k Scope, and Luna Neo.
• I'm a big nerd who uses tech often. I have around 900+ hours on Splatoon! I'm very competitive with most games but I enjoy talking with other people and making friends.


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
Name: TeaBee
Age: 24.

NNID: BuzzyTeaBee

Current Rank and Level: S and LV37
Main Weapon: Splattershot Jr.
Other Weapons: Custom Jet Squelcher, Dual Squelcher, Splatterscope, Eliter 3k scope

About Me: I'm a dude who takes different routes to reach the stage fast and then lurk in the shadows while splatting unsuspecting inklings. I also make sure that my squad get wrapped in my bubbler. Sometimes I think of insane ways to reach the enemy base. Weakness: I'm a sucker for friendship and sweets.

I know you guys aren't looking for new recruits, I just want you to know that I'm here for tryouts when you're ready.
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Apr 12, 2016

What doesn't splat us had better start running.


We're the Whiprays, a group of fun-loving and laid-back but highly competitive players who've banded together to create a squad designed to help us improve our game and break into the tournament scene. As A and S rank players, we strive to improve our game through strategy, teamwork and practice, practice, practice!

Tournaments We've Been In:

Very Splatty Turf War Tournament
(4th Place, beaten only by the 2 teams that made finals)

Leagues Under the Ink
(5th in Division C5)


Our Roster

Swimly (SwimShady): Team Captain/Slosher Main - Playing primarily support and turf control, my number one goal is to make it as difficult as I can for opponents to reach objectives. I eliminate enemy ink as soon as it hits the ground and I make sure my team always has an easy way back into the fight. My kill count may be low, but I don't need to splat anyone to be a pain in the *** and hold down the fort. I live for splat zones.

Aristeia (Aristeia): Team Captain/Brush Main - Heaven help anyone who meets this guy in a one-on-one. Aristeia is known to have a kill count in the 10's and 20's and is the driving force of our team, be it in offense or defense. Throw in his masterful handle on turf control, and you've got a lean, mean, splatting machine. I didn't even think KDR's like his were possible until I saw him in action. We're also fairly certain he can secretly teleport and that's how he gets around so fast. Aristeia is the wind beneath our wings.

Lago (Lord Lago): Splatling Main - Lago is a man of many skills. He can fit himself into any situation and be an incredible force of support. Always with his eyes on the objective, Lago makes pushes most players can only dream of. If you've turned around for a split second, and suddenly we've pushed the tower or rainmaker clear across the map and knocked your team out, I guarantee you Lago was the man behind it all. He's also the one who makes us laugh the most.

Seth (boredguy108): Charger Main - Seth is the eyes and ears of the team. Rest assured that you won't so much as "Woomy!" without Seth knowing about it and telling us. Scarily accurate and often able to hold off an entire team on his own, Seth is a serious force to be reckoned with. With his sharp eye and memory for loadouts and lightning fast communication, we always know exactly what we're getting into and what to look out for, that is if the opponents manage to get past him.

Cam (Camster): Charger/Gal Main - This guy plays competitive Smash. Like, really, that's all the info you need for you to know that you're going to get your tentacles handed to you on a silver platter. We brought in Cam for extra range support and let me tell you, he is the Wonderbra of support players. Cam is also the one who vocalizes what we're all feeling, with such phrases as "Oh god, why" and "I just can't even deal." We're thrilled to have someone around who can say all the things we're too salty to say in a quiet, unassuming voice. Like a sweet, but highly deadly, lullaby.

XCuber (XCuber2): Blaster Main - What did you just say to him you little squid? I'll have you know XCuber graduated top of his class in the Navy Squids, and he has been involved in numerous secret raids on the Octolings, and he has over 300 confirmed splats. He is trained in gorilla warfare and is the top blaster in the Watch Me Whiprays armed forces. You are nothing to him but another target. He will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Inkopolis, mark my words. He will ink fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're flippin dead, squiddo.

Banksii: Blaster Main - Have you ever been flopping along, playing a fun game for nice people and then BAM a Luna Blaster pops out of the ink and wrecks your whole day and sends you back to spawn with a generous helping of salt? That was probably Banksii. It's generally a good idea to be anywhere he is NOT, because he will find you, and he will leap up from the inky depths and he will END you. He and XCuber on the same team is a bad time for anyone who even thinks about trying to push an objective.

The Whiprays are NO LONGER recruiting. In the even that we open recruitment in the future, here's our requirements:

-Be mature. We prefer 18+ but we can flex on age. (Note that "mature" doesn't mean "not a complete goofball" because we're all goofy. We just mean capable of being adulty when it's time for adulty things like practice and tournaments.)

-Be at least in A- rank. We are going into tournaments after all.

-Be able to use at least 2 types of weapons. We like variety! All of our members have a main weapon and at least one other type of weapon they keep in their back pocket for filling out team compositions as needed.

-Be able to use voice chat. No flexing on this. We gotta talk to you. We use Discord for all our voice chat needs.

-Be a chill person. Like everyone, sometimes we get salty. But 98% of the time we're super relaxed and just enjoy playing the game an having fun.

-Be available for practice. We have official practice every Monday and Wednesday from 8-10pm EST.

-Be available for tournaments. We try to enter tournaments fairly regularly. The times and dates of these tournaments might not line up with our regular practice times, but we'll let you know as far in advance as possible when they happen.

-Be swift as a coarsing Wail, with all the force of a great Inkzooka, with all the strength of a raging Kraken; Mysterious as the outside of Booyah Base.

If you are interested in joining we will ask you for a tryout. Don't be intimidated by this! This is only based partially on skill. As long as you know the game well and play decently, that's good for us. More importantly, we want to know if you mesh well with the group. If we get along well and have fun with you, that's what really matters. Skill can always be improved upon.

Are you all those things?? Rad! Whenever we start recruiting again, fill out the Formy Thing below and send it to ME! (SwimShady)

Name: What do you want us to call you? We generally call each other by our actual names.

Age: Like I said, we prefer 18+, but we're flexible. The youngest in our group is 17. Most of us are in our 20s.

NNID: So we can be friends!

Current Rank and Level: Essential info!

Main Weapon: Duh.

Other Weapons You're Pretty Good At: So we know what options you bring to the table.

Tell us a little about yourself! Nothing fancy. Just a little squidbit about who you are!

Looking to scrim with us? Shoot Aristeia (our other captain) a message and we'll get it set up. We're always looking for a chance to improve!

What doesn't splat us had better start running.


We're the Whiprays, a group of fun-loving and laid-back but highly competitive players who've banded together to create a squad designed to help us improve our game and break into the tournament scene. As A and S rank players, we strive to improve our game through strategy, teamwork and practice, practice, practice!

Tournaments We've Been In:

Very Splatty Turf War Tournament
(4th Place, beaten only by the 2 teams that made finals)

Leagues Under the Ink
(5th in Division C5)


Our Roster

Swimly (SwimShady): Team Captain/Slosher Main - Playing primarily support and turf control, my number one goal is to make it as difficult as I can for opponents to reach objectives. I eliminate enemy ink as soon as it hits the ground and I make sure my team always has an easy way back into the fight. My kill count may be low, but I don't need to splat anyone to be a pain in the *** and hold down the fort. I live for splat zones.

Aristeia (Aristeia): Team Captain/Brush Main - Heaven help anyone who meets this guy in a one-on-one. Aristeia is known to have a kill count in the 10's and 20's and is the driving force of our team, be it in offense or defense. Throw in his masterful handle on turf control, and you've got a lean, mean, splatting machine. I didn't even think KDR's like his were possible until I saw him in action. We're also fairly certain he can secretly teleport and that's how he gets around so fast. Aristeia is the wind beneath our wings.

Lago (Lord Lago): Splatling Main - Lago is a man of many skills. He can fit himself into any situation and be an incredible force of support. Always with his eyes on the objective, Lago makes pushes most players can only dream of. If you've turned around for a split second, and suddenly we've pushed the tower or rainmaker clear across the map and knocked your team out, I guarantee you Lago was the man behind it all. He's also the one who makes us laugh the most.

Seth (boredguy108): Charger Main - Seth is the eyes and ears of the team. Rest assured that you won't so much as "Woomy!" without Seth knowing about it and telling us. Scarily accurate and often able to hold off an entire team on his own, Seth is a serious force to be reckoned with. With his sharp eye and memory for loadouts and lightning fast communication, we always know exactly what we're getting into and what to look out for, that is if the opponents manage to get past him.

Cam (Camster): Charger/Gal Main - This guy plays competitive Smash. Like, really, that's all the info you need for you to know that you're going to get your tentacles handed to you on a silver platter. We brought in Cam for extra range support and let me tell you, he is the Wonderbra of support players. Cam is also the one who vocalizes what we're all feeling, with such phrases as "Oh god, why" and "I just can't even deal." We're thrilled to have someone around who can say all the things we're too salty to say in a quiet, unassuming voice. Like a sweet, but highly deadly, lullaby.

XCuber (XCuber2): Blaster Main - What did you just say to him you little squid? I'll have you know XCuber graduated top of his class in the Navy Squids, and he has been involved in numerous secret raids on the Octolings, and he has over 300 confirmed splats. He is trained in gorilla warfare and is the top blaster in the Watch Me Whiprays armed forces. You are nothing to him but another target. He will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Inkopolis, mark my words. He will ink fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're flippin dead, squiddo.

Banksii: Blaster Main - Have you ever been flopping along, playing a fun game for nice people and then BAM a Luna Blaster pops out of the ink and wrecks your whole day and sends you back to spawn with a generous helping of salt? That was probably Banksii. It's generally a good idea to be anywhere he is NOT, because he will find you, and he will leap up from the inky depths and he will END you. He and XCuber on the same team is a bad time for anyone who even thinks about trying to push an objective.

The Whiprays are NO LONGER recruiting. In the even that we open recruitment in the future, here's our requirements:

-Be mature. We prefer 18+ but we can flex on age. (Note that "mature" doesn't mean "not a complete goofball" because we're all goofy. We just mean capable of being adulty when it's time for adulty things like practice and tournaments.)

-Be at least in A- rank. We are going into tournaments after all.

-Be able to use at least 2 types of weapons. We like variety! All of our members have a main weapon and at least one other type of weapon they keep in their back pocket for filling out team compositions as needed.

-Be able to use voice chat. No flexing on this. We gotta talk to you. We use Discord for all our voice chat needs.

-Be a chill person. Like everyone, sometimes we get salty. But 98% of the time we're super relaxed and just enjoy playing the game an having fun.

-Be available for practice. We have official practice every Monday and Wednesday from 8-10pm EST.

-Be available for tournaments. We try to enter tournaments fairly regularly. The times and dates of these tournaments might not line up with our regular practice times, but we'll let you know as far in advance as possible when they happen.

-Be swift as a coarsing Wail, with all the force of a great Inkzooka, with all the strength of a raging Kraken; Mysterious as the outside of Booyah Base.

If you are interested in joining we will ask you for a tryout. Don't be intimidated by this! This is only based partially on skill. As long as you know the game well and play decently, that's good for us. More importantly, we want to know if you mesh well with the group. If we get along well and have fun with you, that's what really matters. Skill can always be improved upon.

Are you all those things?? Rad! Whenever we start recruiting again, fill out the Formy Thing below and send it to ME! (SwimShady)

Name: What do you want us to call you? We generally call each other by our actual names.

Age: Like I said, we prefer 18+, but we're flexible. The youngest in our group is 17. Most of us are in our 20s.

NNID: So we can be friends!

Current Rank and Level: Essential info!

Main Weapon: Duh.

Other Weapons You're Pretty Good At: So we know what options you bring to the table.

Tell us a little about yourself! Nothing fancy. Just a little squidbit about who you are!

Looking to scrim with us? Shoot Aristeia (our other captain) a message and we'll get it set up. We're always looking for a chance to improve!
•My NNID name is Calvin but my real name is Joshua or Josh doesn't matter which name,whatever your comfortable with.
•I'm 20 years old
• My NNID is crazyboijosh
•I was an S+ but now I'm an S rank lvl 50
•Weapon....I really don't have a main I'm the all round about guy. I choose my weapon based off what stage were playing on.
•Ummmm about myself....I'm very competitive but also humble.I learn from my mistakes and do my best not to do it again. I'm a very honest guy,you ask I tell you what's on my mind. I'm gay but not like the super feminine ones I'm just me lol hard to explain it. But if your uncomfortable with talking to me thru Discord let me know and I'll try my best to tone down my gayness lol JS. I'm very funny and crack jokes a lot! I'm very chill and down to earth but will get serious when I need to be or if the situation calls for it. I also go to college and work full time so if you guys need me plz tell me in advance so I can manage my time around it! I have no problem doing it! I just wanna be on a good/fun team and have fun with you guys and give it my all!! (Ok I'll stop now lol) BYE! :D

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