Zapfish Academy: Trip to Octo Valley! ( IC Thread)


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Zerul sees the group trying to blast there way into the hotel and jumps into action. He grabs a splat bomb from Viola's reserve and knew the others were setting up a trap but he quickly moved in and grabs the soldier holding the detonator and forces it out of his hand before taking it. but he left a present behind The splat bomb. He gets away from it quickly and the bomb goes off trapping the few soldiers that were chasing him. "Do it now! I got the detonator!" one of the soldiers got free and charged at Zerul. The soldier began shooting him He takes a few hits before managing to get into some cover.


Full Squid
Dec 5, 2015
After hearing and seeing everyone was ready, Xexe then gave a small smirk, turning the door knob, "All right, everybody, LET EM' HAVE IT!" she yelled out as she swung the door wide open to attack. The moment Zawlt saw a soldier, he pulled the trigger of his sniper and trapped him instantly. He was pretty much going to sit in the rear of the group and pick off anyone he could. After the first soldier was trapped, Xexe ran to the trapped soldier and quickly pushed him a ways away from his group to use as makeshift cover outside. Zawlt noticed some soldiers going for her and quickly trapped another one.

Eriana took notice of the situation and quite frankly, was surprised that they were fighting back. She then noticed that Xexe was outside fending for her life, "You do that, I need to save my niece NOW," Eriana said as she ran low towards Xexe. Xexe saw a soldier coming from the left and right. She figured the other would get her no matter which one she attacked, until she noticed the one on the right got captured giving her an opening to shoot and trap the one coming to her left. Eriana then moved over to Xexe, "You're being awful reckless don't ya think?" she said going tank to tank with her niece, "I know, Auntie, but I also think we need their attention divided," Xexe said.

@Rustic @TACarbuncle @Zerul @Coerulus @MacSmitty


Inkling Commander
Aug 10, 2015
Upon the start of the attack, Viola let loose a volley of shots around the soldiers, trying to keep them stuck and distracted while the others took care of them. Every now and again, she'd dip into a small puddle of ink she left under her to refill, but she would never stay down long.

@Rustic @TACarbuncle @Zerul @Coerulus @MacSmitty


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
Lucas grabbed a Splash-O-Matic before leaving the room again, and while heading upstairs he heard the sounds of fighting happening outside.
Hang in there... He thought while looking for a safe area to jump from in order to take out some of the enemies outside.
(Just so I'm clear, no splatting any solders right? @Zawlt @Rustic)


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
Lucas watched the action unfold at the entrance of the hotel before him noting that his classmates weren't splatting them, he deduced that splatting them was out of the question. Quickly deciding to take action, he morphed into his Squid form in order to prepare for his Super Jump. Aiming his jump to a group of soldiers who were about to attack Xexe and the other Octoling adult named Eriana, he readied his Carbon Roller to strike the soldiers without sending the ink that would splat them. As he arrived, he slammed the Roller in a soldiers back, and managed to smack around the other soldiers who were caught by surprise.

"How are you guy's holding up?" he asks while looking around cautiously.
@Coerulus @Zawlt @TACarbuncle @Zerul @Rustic


Jan 18, 2016
When the way was opened, he was quick to aim and shoot. While he did seem to be a bit cowardly more often than not, it didn't deny he was a pretty darn good shot, hitting a few of the soldiers and bubbled them. "Wished I grabbed something better...but this will have to do." he murmured as he readied himself should they need any more backup. When he heard Lucas, he turned back to him and nodded. "We're good so far...but I hope papa doesn't get caught...I don't know where he went." he murmured.

@MacSmitty @Zawlt @Rustic @TACarbuncle @Zerul


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
(( Oi, posted an announcement on the OOC. If you're reading this, you should probably check it out. ))
@Zawlt @Zerul @TACarbuncle @MacSmitty

Forge launched out of his cover when the commotion started, taking special care to make sure his first three shots landed on the soldiers and encased them in a bubble, before switching his fire to the ground in an effort to snare them in the Ink. He was quite surprised to see the students that were left in the hotel with no weapons had suddenly opened up on the soldiers with their own, but Forge wasn't going to complain when it can get him out of there with a complete group of students.

Aria quickly got away from the door once everything started, opening fire on the soldiers. However, she was purposely missing most of her shots to avoid causing an even worse report against her.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Zerul and the soldier were in a grapple match trying to get the detonator. Zerul manages to break the soldiers arm and throw him into the curb. He rushes back over to forge. "How are things going!" He kept a close eye on the detinator to prevent anyone from getting harmed from the explosives that were on the building.


Inkling Commander
Aug 10, 2015
Viola ducked away after leaving the ground with a layer of ink, peeking out now and again to refresh the ground. "Is everything going okay?" She said, looking around and finally noticing the other students. "Where did they...? I'm not gonna ask." She said, glad they had back up.


Full Squid
Dec 5, 2015
Xexe and Eriana noticed Lucas appearing before them knocking soldiers back from them. Xexe took the chance to fire at them and trap them as well, "We're doing fine so far," Xexe said, "extra help is welcome by all means,". Eriana took notice of Lucas' ink tank being devoid of bubble cells, "Just don't go crazy, youngling," Eriana said to Lucas, "the last thing we need around here is a bunch of corpses." She then noticed a couple of soldiers running up behind Lucas. Eriana aimed above his head and shot at them both caging them as well, "And now I'm all out of cells," she said putting her weapon on the ground. She then proceeded to take off her ink tank strapped on her back and placed it on the ground as well. As soon as she was done, she stretched out her arms and legs while Xexe looked on, "Oh? Going hand to hand, Auntie?" Xexe asked her aunt, "Yep, and with how these soldiers fight, this'll be a cake walk," Eriana said as she took a fighting pose ready to fight off and protect the children.

Zawlt however stood guard at the hotel doors picking off anyone that got too close to himself or his friends. That was until he looked at a wall covered with explosives, "Oh crud," he said lowly. Seemingly distracted by the wall of explosives Zawlt failed to notice a soldier was standing behind him. Zawlt then felt an impact on the back of his neck, and then fell to the ground unconscious.

@Rustic @Zerul @MacSmitty @Coerulus @TACarbuncle


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
@Zawlt @Zerul @Coerulus @MacSmitty @TACarbuncle

"It'd go along fine if you weren't going hand-to-hand with them," Forge replied to his question. "I had to stop myself from shooting several of them because you got in the way. Now, I don't know how good your accuracy is, but it's probably bad if you'd rather punch them in their now-ugly mugs." The teacher stood up to shoot at one of the soldiers, hitting them in the sweet spot in the legs, the soldier fell down dropping their weapon. He aimed and fired his gun at another soldier' legs, before ducking back down into cover, he looked and Zerul. "Just try to not get yourself killed out there."


Meanwhile, back in the hotel, Aria was shooting through the door attempting to discourage any of the soldiers from looking through. She ducked behind the cover of the couch, beside Mr. Porta who had taken refuge behind the cover of the surprisingly Ink-Resistant couch. Then again, its material was probably something close to tarp.

She glanced up out of cover before getting grazed by a stray shot, luckily her goggles had taken the hit or she would've been short one eye. Aria wiped away the Ink, seeing that the goggles right optics weren't functioning properly and worsened her vision. She crept over to the side of the couch, past Mr. Porta to see Gunoy, was it? Whatever his name was, get clobbered in the back of the head by a soldier.

"Oh, s..." Aria mumbled at the sight of this. She ran out of her cover towards the soldier, she jumped and brought up her knee. Hitting the soldier in the gut, just below their breastplate. They held their gut, wincing. Aria quickly followed up her attack with an uppercut, the soldier, who she just realized had the signature black hair of an Elite, dodged the attack, and countered with a right hook. She got hit by it, stumbling backward a bit as she wiped her face.

"Bring it, whelp." The Elite snarled.

(( Welp, seems like Zawlt's down. RIP. ))


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
(( Welp, I'm TPing everyone out of there. Get your rears ready for the next scene, which'll initiate on the weekend. ))

After half an hour of fighting. A fatigued Forge peers over the abstract piece of cover he and Zerul were crouching behind, spotting a lot of soldiers stuck inside the Ink. Their weapons were clogged with all colours of Ink, rendering them useless, but it didn't matter as the soldiers were focusing on getting up and out of it.

He stood up, glancing cautiously around, as though a Ink-bullet was gonna end him right then and there, and moved into the hotel. Where Aria, battered and bruised, held what roughly passed for an Octoling in his eyes, and headbutted the Elite. She dropped the unconscious Elite onto the ground, and, wiping her lip, picked up Gunoy from the ground.

The coach walked outside, seeing that Aria wasn't in need of any help, and called out to the students. "Alright! I want all of you to regroup down here and let me do a headcount!" Forge looked around, watching the students tentatively approach, wary of any potential threats. He quickly did a mental count, realizing that he was missing Lucas and Illex. But then the two quickly exited the hotel behind them.

"Alright, Aria, what's the fastest way out of here?" Forge asked, turning to her.

Aria looked around for several moments, the scene of the battle skewing with her directions. Before she finally determined the path back to the elevator. "This way. Oh, and can you take this kid? I'd rather not be the point-man... er... woman with an unconscious boy in my arms."

Forge nodded, slinging his battered gun over his shoulder and took Gunoy from Aria's arms, grunting slightly as he did so.

As they went through the city, the group couldn't help but feel watched. As though the whole city had witnessed what they had done, and warily gave them a wide berth. Stray citizens seeing their damaged figures quickly fled, typically letting out a yelp, after they saw them. Eventually however, they reached the elevator.

Aria looked back from where they came, realizing that beating the Elite unconscious and shooting fellow troops would have very, very bad consequences if she stayed. She turned to the keypad beside the elevator and tapped a few times on the pad.

@Zawlt @Coerulus @MacSmitty @Zerul @TACarbuncle
(( Zawlt, I'm stopping my inexorably slow advance on getting you grubs out of Octo Valley for you to decide on keeping Eriana and Xexe in Octo Valley. ))


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Zerul followed the group. he tosses the detonator in a trash bin that was some distance away from the hotel. He followed the group right behind forge. "I did say i didn't want to come here. but someone just had to make it mandatory!"

the manditory part is a double poke at Zerul being forced by both a teacher and Rustic.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
(( You wanted to be away for a month? Boy, that's a bad idea in itself. ))

"Zerul, I don't mean to sound like a barnacle-licking Urchin. But you could've worn something that glows less and doesn't look like an expensive piece of military hardware." Forge retorted, gesturing up and down towards Zerul with his foot.

Mr. Porta added his own thoughts to it, "I knew your reason was because of that suit you're wearing, and you thought to bring it? My boy, you should've worn something less... conspicuous, Zerul. Like a hoodie or one of those 'hip' bandanas."


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Zerul looks at Forge and Porta. "If i wore a hoodie and kept hidden then there would be blood on my hands for those soldiers looking for me. Unlike what you teach. Octarains are good at getting information. So information of me coming there would have caused a similar incident but i wouldn't be able to fight back as easily, or at all considering how many there were. You all would have been caught in the mess getting injured or worse. you should count your blessings that it was just a small splinter group with only grunts going after us. If the kelp elites showed up nothing anyone can do would save us. They have a reputation here especially the black kelp elites. If any of them show up you would need to bring your S+ game or get absolutely owned by there unrivaled skill. Even with my armor back in the testing labs there skill was far superior than mine. I only get lucky every now and then but they would best me nearly every time." He gives a serious look. "If you don't like my armor just say it. but its luck that kept inkling injuries to a minimum. Not because i brought my armor."


Inkling Commander
Aug 10, 2015
Viola was right behind them as they escaped, looking at the two arguing. "Would you two shut it?! We can worry about that kind of stuff when we're safe!" She said, her hair flashing a moment before going slightly dark.

@Zerul @Rustic


Full Squid
Dec 5, 2015
While they were talking about Zerul's outfit and whatnot, Eriana and Xexe were watching over Zawlt whom had been knocked out earlier. Xexe was more worried about him than anyone else there. "Nnn..." Zawlt grumbled as he slowly woke up, coming to the realization that -"Oww!" his head was throbbing from that hit. Eriana let out a sigh of relief now that the boy was finally awake. Xexe however didn't say a word and just got on her knees to his level and stared at him. Zawlt soon came out of his daze noticing they were all on that elevator. He then took notice of Xexe in front of him, just staring him down. Zawlt was about to say something, but Xexe put a finger over his mouth to silence him, and then used her other hand to slap him in the face. "Oww! Haven't I been hit enough al-" as he was complaining Xexe then immediately went in and hugged him which also caught Zawlt off-guard. Xexe then started to cry relieved that her friend was okay, "Don't scare me like that ever again, Gunoy!" she said crying louder than before. Zawlt had felt like the guilty one to be responsible for making his friend cry so badly. "I'm sorry, Xexe," was all Zawlt could think of to say as he hugged her back to comfort her through her sorrow.

@Rustic @TACarbuncle @Zerul @MacSmitty @Coerulus


Jan 18, 2016
He sighed, having dropped both the weapon and inktank the moment the events were over. He felt rather guilty of the fact that this would strain inkling-octarian interactions even more, even with Zerul who was rather confident around them compared to what he had to deal with here in Octo Valley. Finding Illex returning from wherever he was, he quickly moved to his side as they began hurrying out from Octo Valley. "Really good thing your father didn't come in my stead..." Illex murmured as they got into the elevator to return them back to the surface. "Best we don't tell him of the incident either..." he added. "Yeah...don't need Kaiyo to ever find out we could've been apprehended and killed on what was supposed to be a simple field trip."

@Rustic @TACarbuncle @MacSmitty @Zawlt @Zerul


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
Lucas quietly followed the group, slinging the Carbon Roller over his head. He'd earned a couple of bruises from fighting the other soldiers, and while it didn't hurt too bad, it still had its lingering presence.

Hearing Zerul, Porta and Forge argue, he half closed his eyes in annoyance. The Octorian army did come for Zerul, but what the little Inkling boy didn't know was why he and the others were attacked. The only "crime" they had committed was knowing Zerul, who was refered to by that leader as a traitor.

Having a dark look on his face, which frightened the Octolings in the homes they passed, Lucas thought of how he and the others only spent the night at Octo Valley, nearly getting killed, and worst of all, leaving his belongings behind. He had some games he wanted to complete once he got home and clothing to level up.
@Rustic @Coerulus @Zawlt @Zerul @TACarbuncle

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