Community Solo Queue Meetup!

Community Solo Queue Meetup!
Posted by DzNutsKong
Saturday, December 7, 2024 - 02:00 PM
Until: Saturday, December 7, 2024 - 04:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Hey! I'm going to be writing a bit more here after I get home from vacation but just wanted to put this out here before I forget.

Put simply, I'm going to try to have as many of us as possible storm the solo queue servers at once. Idea is that it'll be fun for us to """randomly""" run into each other and something like this is much more low-commitment since you can come and go as you please, plus more casual since there are no real stakes. The way it'll work is something like this...
  • Everyone here either joins my events Discord or tunes into my Twitch channel in wait of a start time.
  • When everyone is ready, I will state a time for everyone to click "start" on an Anarchy Open match. For example, "queue up for a match the exact second it hits 2:08 PM EST." Then we'll let the dice roll.
  • When your game is over and you're ready for another, say so either in a Discord or Twitch chat. You will need to wait until I give another time to queue up. It should be less than ten minutes after you've queued up for your last game.
The one unfortunate caveat of this is that some people will get done way earlier than others. Some matches will go well into overtime, some people will have awful queue times and some games might finish before the 5 minute mark. Maybe Turf War would technically be better for this but I know a lot of people here greatly dislike Turf War. If you're not S+ rank or don't expect to be by this event's start time, don't worry. Splatoon does not require that everyone's in the same rank to queue up for games together. I have been queued into my B- roommate a few times despite him not playing the game often.

If you plan on potentially participating in this, please message me here or on Discord with your ingame name + your four-digit Splashtag. I would like to get a list of people for everyone to look out for ahead of time. Otherwise let me know if there are any concerns!
Last edited:


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
it would be so funny if I joined this and somehow none of you ever get matched with/againts me
You're a backline player from EU so it'd probably be less likely for you. Realistically I have no idea how likely it is for anyone though. Far as I'm concerned (although I do doubt it) this could end up being a dud and nobody'll see anyone else.


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Okay, a couple of things...
  • Firstly and most importantly, the start date is being changed to December 7th instead of December 14th. There are a few reasons I've done this but most won't be relevant for you guys. The exception is that Low Ink is happening on the 14th. If you're not aware, Low Ink is a huge tournament designed for lower-level teams and I know several people here may want the chance to join. If I were you I'd at least consider it and if I were on the fence I'd say there's no harm in trying it out.
  • This will likely be hosted both in my events Discord as well as my Twitch channel for those of you who can't join. I will be saying when everyone needs to open the queue in both of these places. There's no need for a VC specifically like I say in this thread's opening post.
  • If you plan on potentially participating in this, please message me here or on Discord with your ingame name + your four-digit Splashtag. I don't know if there's anyone planning on joining who doesn't use this website frequently or who has a name that doesn't match their Squidboards username but I want everyone else to know who to look out for.
  • Splatoon has an in-game option to join Anarchy Open lobbies with friends. Try not to use this since it both defeats the point and might make it less common for you to match into other Squidboards people.
I will be updating the first post to reflect all of this. Get the feeling I might be forgetting something as well so please mention if anything is unclear. Thanks


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
What we've been doing is going every 8 minutes, so we'll queue the moment it hits 2:49 EST (it's 2;45 rn) then waiting again until 2:57, 3:05 etc. If you've not yet told me you'd be participating please make sure you're doing so as well!


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Thank you guys for showing up! All in all out of 15 games, I ran into...

@C-53 once,
@Azure ST once,
@Azhdarcho once,
@Catloafman twice,
@isaac4 twice,
and @Vidknight nine times, more than half that I played!

In addition, I had exactly two games where I didn't run into someone. Good games guys!

It's seeming like a lot of people had fun here, but for as many people as I got put with there were a handful that saw nobody. I think what I'm considering doing next time even if just for the sake of trying having people sign up in groups of two. There might have been issues with matchmaking weapons or certain parts of the world that are further out from one another and while it's possible to play into someone from another continent, it's definitely less likely. Plus the queue for groups of 2 will have less players on it than for solo. The issue would be skill-based matchmaking kicking in there but it's worth a try at least.

Thank you guys for joining! Hope you had fun, I'll definitely try another at some point!


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
it would be so funny if I joined this and somehow none of you ever get matched with/againts me
Lmao, guess who called it.
Ah well, it's to be expected. Had some of my best cHydra games in a while, so I had fun either way. Not that it's possible for me to have a bad time with Hydra <3


Dec 4, 2024
Thank you guys for showing up! All in all out of 15 games, I ran into...

@C-53 once,
@Azure ST once,
@Azhdarcho once,
@Catloafman twice,
@isaac4 twice,
and @Vidknight nine times, more than half that I played!

In addition, I had exactly two games where I didn't run into someone. Good games guys!

It's seeming like a lot of people had fun here, but for as many people as I got put with there were a handful that saw nobody. I think what I'm considering doing next time even if just for the sake of trying having people sign up in groups of two. There might have been issues with matchmaking weapons or certain parts of the world that are further out from one another and while it's possible to play into someone from another continent, it's definitely less likely. Plus the queue for groups of 2 will have less players on it than for solo. The issue would be skill-based matchmaking kicking in there but it's worth a try at least.

Thank you guys for joining! Hope you had fun, I'll definitely try another at some point!
Ggs everyone! I think I only saw one or two of you in matches but it was a very good time! :)


Full Squid
Apr 29, 2024

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