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"Um, ackshually, the ultimate quick respawn weapon is the tetra dualies *snort*.
Hey, keep it up, research more and make a more advanced guide on Splatana wiper and take your time!
Gave a great explanation on the uses of all rare weapons, their strengths and weaknesses, but the grizzco splatana wasnt elaborated on much.
This was really good, and can't lie has convinced me to maybe pick wiper back up lol.
Good info lots of people don't know 😭 I've been stuck at Profreahional +2 bc of people ignoring sting rays
Unfortunately the struggle runs all the way up to Eggsecutive </3
Very happy for the review tho! Ty :)
jame that so using stick controls,,,,,,,,,
Really in-depth review about theory with approaching the game, easily worth the read.
I read this when it came out, so I've already been implementing a lot of stuff thats in this guide, and its already starting to pay off. Absolutely worth a read!
10/10 helped me rethink how i play the game, I feel like I have stuff to work towards now :D
Great resource for learning, you're missing out big time if you skip over this it's worth the time!
As a member of Zyf’s team the knowledge I have gained about how to play the game from him has made me a way better player than I used to be. Now he’s put it in writing for all to see!
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