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How to push into enemy territory

Splatoon is a game all about controlling turf, and once you and your team control the middle ground of a map, you can start pushing into enemy territory.

First off, NEVER push into enemy territory unless your team is controlling the middle. This is a huge mistake and will likely get you splatted in no time flat. Once your team controls the middle, then gradually control their base.

While in your foes base, make sure someone is on the outside of the base, so nobody escape. Here is an example in Urchin Underpass. The green squid is where the person should guard.

When starting a battle and attempting to push, dart straight for the middle ground. Lay down ink, swim, lay down ink, swim. After getting some kills, you can safely go back and cover areas you missed. When in the middle turf, spam the "come on" signal for you team to get over there.
_____________:ability_recon: ____________________________:ability_damage:
In this example, the Recon ability is your spawn point and the damage up ability is where you call in teammates and get kills. Remember to dart to the middle ground, don't paint your base at the beginning.

Lastly, it is important for you to not spawn camp your foes base. Of course you can paint around their spawn point, but don't stay there. When you foes are on their spawn point, they are invincible, and can kill you.

BONUS TIP: If you are the person staying outside their base, watch ALL the exits.

___________:ability_recon: _________________________:ability_comeback:______________________________ :ability_unknown:
In this example, the Recon ability is your spawn point, the question mark is your foes spawn point, and the green squid is where the guard be. In Urchin Underpass, there are 3 exits for each base.

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Shaan Ahmed
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The diagrams don't seem to be appearing properly. Also, I disagree with some of the advice, like "never, ever go into enemy territory if you don't control the middle". If the middle is contested, conducting a pincer movement by sneaking into enemy territory and doubling back is one of the best ways to settle that.
Exccelent guide but it is missing a few key points. You should've added more detail to certain parts and have more detailed illutrasions. Still a good guide that many people should follow.
Shaan Ahmed
Thank you so much for reading my content. I really appreciate it. I will work on making this guide better
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