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In your face: sploosh

This is a guide on how to use Sploosh-o-matic in turf war. Sploosh It's a very versatile weapon that can be used in all sorts of situations While playing turf. One simple way to play is inking, And I think there are three ways to play sploosh In this role The first two of which are Invading and base inking. These two can be very important roles in turf. The Role of base Inking Is very important, because having your home base Inked Is very helpful and can give you a advantage in the game sploosh Is a great choice for this because of its high output of paint. Invading has the same reasons, but also the sploosh Has good mobility. This is good for invading Because it can escalate quickly and get in quickly to paint a lot and hopefully get the advantage. The third way you can paint is clean up. This is a debatable role Whether it matters or not, but I think it's important, Cleanup is the task of Cleaning up ink of people who tried to invade your base and cleaning up enemies Ink around mid So your team can move well and have a safe Space which can help defeat the opponents. The other way to play sploosh In turf war, which is the way that I play Is attacking. A good way to do this is something that would not be seen often With a shooter, sharking. Although it sounds silly, the sploosh Can do it because of its almost Insta kill point blank. This can be helpful for getting quick kills. Another way to play offensively is, Using it's subs. Using bekon or Curling bomb can be very helpful to engage in to combat or Escape from a higher range opponent. The specials of the weapon and the Neo kit Are helpful as well. They both put pressure on the opponent, sometimes the entire team and can turn the tide Or create a Distraction for your team, to get the upper hand. Anyways, these are my thoughts thank you for reading.
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