playing smarter: a guide to improving tactical thinking

playing smarter: a guide to improving tactical thinking


Separate link to guide on notion

(Estimated reading time: 2-4 hours)

In more detail, it's a (very) in-depth guide on how to think during a splatoon match and learn from/study your gameplay/other people's VODs. I wrote it from the fundamentals up, but i think it has use for anyone from around S rank to high-level competitive.

I'd put it directly on squidboards but it's so long that I don't think it would work very well with the forum format, but I'll at least put the foreword here:

As far as I can tell, most educational guide content for Splatoon falls under one of three categories: tips and tricks, tier lists, and in some cases, discussions of specific topics (such as weapons, maps, modes, etc.). However, I haven’t felt like I’ve found any satisfying guide or series of guides that builds a narrative that can take you from knowing very little about the game beyond play experience all the way to a high-level competitive understanding of how to win. The first goal of this doc series is to fix that: to start with very little assumptions about what you know about this game, and put you on a path to growing and getting better as a player.

With that said, I think you’ll find that this doc series is very different than much of the other guide content you’ve seen before. Very rarely in this doc series will I give specific advice about what to do in specific situations or with your specific weapon, and that’s for two reasons. Firstly, you can get plenty of that in other places. Secondly, that’s simply not the point of this resource, because I think most people are not equipped to use that kind of advice responsibly.

What I mean by that is this: Splatoon is a complicated game. There’s 4 people on each team, tons of different weapons and maps, and all kinds of crazy situations you can get yourself into. The reality is that no single useful piece of advice that anyone gives is going to apply in every situation. Even in this very document, I will very frequently make simplifying assumptions. What this means is that if you truly want to get better, you HAVE to be able to think for yourself — to think critically about the advice people give you, and the ideas you come up with, and to meaningfully learn from your own experiences and observations. Without that fundamental skill, I’ve unfortunately watched Splatoon advice — both from me and others — get misinterpreted and misused time and time again.

Instead, the second and ultimate goal of this doc series is to give you a real, concrete framework to be able to think critically and learn how this game works for yourself. Whether you’re a relatively new player interested in getting to or climbing higher in X rank, or someone who’s played competitive at a high level for a long time, I hope you’ll find it useful, or at the very least, I hope it’ll put into words some things that you’ve experienced but haven’t been able to explain well.

- I've been studying/following the game since 2016
- My team (healthy diet food groups/hdfg) is approx. div 1 level
- I wrote the guide getting feedback from a range of perspectives from top-level to high-level to mid/low level, as well as from the high ranked but casual perspective (S/low X rank players)
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 7 ratings

Latest reviews

Really in-depth review about theory with approaching the game, easily worth the read.
I read this when it came out, so I've already been implementing a lot of stuff thats in this guide, and its already starting to pay off. Absolutely worth a read!
10/10 helped me rethink how i play the game, I feel like I have stuff to work towards now :D
Great resource for learning, you're missing out big time if you skip over this it's worth the time!
As a member of Zyf’s team the knowledge I have gained about how to play the game from him has made me a way better player than I used to be. Now he’s put it in writing for all to see!
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