SECTION 1 splattershot jr
The SSJ can be used to cover ground with ease makeing some of the narrow path a good option to travel on. But the offensive nature of this weapon is most useful in the rig at the top of the map. once you take the rig charge your bubbler up and be ready use it. The reason you want to do this is that rollers and Krakens will try to sneak up on you for the one shot kill. Use the bubbler and wait out the kraken, or if it's a roller wait to the last possible second to use it that way the oponent gets as close as possible so they can't escape. Also make sure to pass the bubbler to your team mates. Depending on how you play you may stand on the ramp that sperates the main portion of the rig from the entrance on stand at the entrance.
SECTION 2 rollers.
For this section I will be covering all the rollers at once. One strategy you want to use here as a roller is to cover the side paths and not only focus on the main rig at the top. You can cover a lot of ground this way and easily one shot opponents who are comeing around corners. A good strategy for taking over the rig if your using the Krak on roller is to use the kraken to push the territory and defeat enemies. The main problem with this is if you don't take the team who are on the rig they will most likely try to splat you when you come out of your Kraken form. So make sure to splat them first. As the roller you can hide around corners and at the entrance of the rig to wait for an oppent to splat. You can also go onto platforms and fling ink onto the ground and ambush the other team.
SECTION 3 charge weapons
Most charge weopons will use the same tactics so I will cover them all at once so I'm not repeating myself. The main thing you want to do is get to the high ground. There's a few areas that will drop off into a lower platform. This is a good spot to snipe people trying to cover the ground there. Another good spot for chargers is near the rig itself. There's high ground you can access from the left and right of the map. You. Can also hide on the boxes in the middle of the rig and snipe people walking in the rig. I find the kelp splatterscope to work the best on this map. Due to the fact most charge weopons make a long trail it would be easy to cover the thinner but longer side paths. If you have the sprinkler or the inkstrike you can use it to maintain your turf at the rig while you focus on kills.
I will be doing aero spray RG next