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Tower Control Strategy

Tower Control is the newest mode to play in Splatoon. Tower Control involves teams fighting over a small tower that moves closer towards an end point which is close to a teams spawn. Because of this battles will be very close ranged, with teams needing to stay close to the tower so they can project and advance it. Because of this, close ranged weapons with high fire rates such as the Aerospray's and the Splatter Shot Jr's will thrive when fighting close to the towers. Because of the towers small platform bombs will cover the entire tower and will most likely splat opposing squids. Inks mines are also great to place on the tower, as they will cover the whole tower and provide a great defense incase the opponent takes over the tower. Chargers are effective for taking down targets on the tower. Since squids won't have much mobility, they can't dodge the lethal shots that chargers produce. One cool feature, is that you can super jump to the tower when it is in your in control. Having quick and stealth jump abilities will improve your efficiency at joining your teammates at the tower. Having run and swim speed up will also get you back into action fast. Rollers are probably weaker weapons to use in this mode. You aren't so focused on covering large amounts of terrain and you're limited on how well you can use your rolling capabilities. Last note, the tower has a post in the middle which will project you slightly. If you can utilize this post properly, you can defend yourself from charger attacks and some shooter attacks. Hopefully this guide will teach you a thing or two about Tower Control and help you out in ranked battles. And of course, Stay Fresh!
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