Recent content by →Raccoon←

  1. →Raccoon←


    Mkay GGs! 👌🦐
  2. →Raccoon←


    I can play for bonuses and a king!
  3. →Raccoon←

    What's your Splashtag title?

    My current title is "The Wall" just because I think it sounds cool BUT I'm really hoping to get "Highly Nutritious Bug" because it was shown to me by a friend and it makes me think of my favorite Pikmin video but "Nice Cohock" is funny too
  4. →Raccoon←

    woahh this place looks sick now

    woahh this place looks sick now
  5. →Raccoon←

    uploaded goo tuber gameplay from the fully charged challenge

    Let me know if you do! Hammer is one of my favorite specials (when it's working properly) and I'm interested to see how custom looks when played well 👌🦐 and ballpoint nouveau if you're down
  6. →Raccoon←

    uploaded goo tuber gameplay from the fully charged challenge

    Man, this really makes me wanna play goo lmao I wish it was better but you're crushin' it! I'd love to see how you play the custom kit
  7. →Raccoon←

    Is sendouQ comp beginner friendly?

    I've been using SendouQ as a way to dip my toes into comp and it's been a lot of fun! Pretty simple when you get past the nerves of it all, definitely a good starting point
  8. →Raccoon←

    Overfishing Poll

    ty for your service! o7
  9. →Raccoon←

    Where my furry pals at

    yooooo that's sick as hell!
  10. →Raccoon←

    Send me your inkling/octoling and I'll draw them

    draw whichever one you'd like! 👌🦐
  11. →Raccoon←

    how do you do, fellow squids?

    cool, I'll let you know if I get back into it eventually! which is likely, it's just pretty low on the backlog right now 🦐👍
  12. →Raccoon←

    shellfies, anyone?

    All my fits for Ballpoint, Stamper, and their Nouveau kits!
  13. →Raccoon←

    Reticle Tier List

    YESSS bp reticle my goat
  14. →Raccoon←

    Splatana Stamper Appreciation/Discussion Thread :D

    stamper nouveau is cool because I don't have to think about my sub weapon (even though mist still synergizes well with stamper, I'm just very bad at remembering I have subs)
  15. →Raccoon←


    yass salmon run on top 💪🦐 have fun!
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