Recent content by ☆Chip_420☆

  1. ☆Chip_420☆

    Am I a kid.... or a squid??? 0-0;

    lmao i huess it is haha still getting used to the site lol wrong person, but you can add me aswell if you like I welcome all XD
  2. ☆Chip_420☆

    Am I a kid.... or a squid??? 0-0;

    You can add me if you want..I'll be getting a bluetooth within a week are too then i'm gonna make a Skype so i'll be chatting soon or akward silencing lmao guess we're both a lil shy haha...any ways turf war: i usually run aerospray rg, carbon roller, ( Working on bucket and brushes ) ranked: is...
  3. ☆Chip_420☆

    yea my tablets a piece of crap lol it doesn't even support blue tooth, so like i said my bro...

    yea my tablets a piece of crap lol it doesn't even support blue tooth, so like i said my bro said i could use his tablet i just need a blue tooth. He is getting a wii u and splatoon on the first, he'll be able to use skype on his PS vita...I was hoping to do it threw my ps3 cause i got turtle...
  4. ☆Chip_420☆

    what i'll do is buy a blue tooth and put skype on my bros tablet...i'll let you know when i get one

    what i'll do is buy a blue tooth and put skype on my bros tablet...i'll let you know when i get one
  5. ☆Chip_420☆

    I cant get skype on my ps3 lol bummer..if their was a laptop in the house that would help uhh...

    I cant get skype on my ps3 lol bummer..if their was a laptop in the house that would help uhh talking on skype i'll try to figure out something with skype
  6. ☆Chip_420☆

    i don't have skype ...i think you can get it on ps3, then i could have it running and use my...

    i don't have skype ...i think you can get it on ps3, then i could have it running and use my headset while we play. i'll look into it
  7. ☆Chip_420☆

    I'm new here!!

    thanks :)
  8. ☆Chip_420☆

    Splatting all day today.

    Splatting all day today.
  9. ☆Chip_420☆

    I'm new here!!

    Hello everybody, My name is Crista i'm 21 and you guessed it I love Splatoon. Just hoping to meet new friends and have more people to Splatoon with. My favorite genres of video games are RPG's, Racing, Adventure, Platformers, Puzzle, and some shooters. I got my Wii U of course, a 3ds, and a...
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