Hey, we get it. However this website is run by and for the community... and it needs ads in order to keep running.
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Hi StarForce, I would live to join your group Inkzooka. I'm an A rank that uses the 96 gal deco most of the time. If would like to accept me as member you can text me at orplayer@icloud.com, or email at oreynold8752@hwdsb.on.ca. my NNID is karterboy(all lower). thnx for reading this
Well now, you have a familiar name. If I recall correctly, perhaps you're the same StarForce that had a fruity experience back in Smashboards (Literally, I think I was an apple and some other person was a lime? Haha.)
Either way, hope you're enjoying Splatoon fellow inkling. :)
Uh, I suddenly a bit forgot of my Smashboards password today, so I kept entering incorrect password, and then it says: Your account has temporarily been locked due to failed login attempts.
How long is it going to get locked?