Recent content by AbsentAria

  1. AbsentAria

    What do you feel like you're getting better at lately?

    for me, probably overall game awareness: Checking the top of the screen for specials/deaths, pulling up the map to check map control/teammate positions. As well as noticing and locating players from sounds and on the edge of my screen. I still have a long way to go with all this though
  2. AbsentAria

    Join the Goofy Goober's

    I am, currently the co-captain for my team. Though I'm happy to provide gameplay tips/advice or analysis if any of you need it!
  3. AbsentAria

    What Makes You Angry?

    I think my biggest annoyance/tilt is probably feeling powerless, times where no matter what I do it feels like I can't influence the outcome. It's most noticeable on losing matches though maybe I just need to get better at noticing when my team is staggered in solo
  4. AbsentAria

    Join the Goofy Goober's

    Congrats on forming a new team! I hope everything goes well with it!!
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