Recent content by Anvil

  1. Anvil


    o/ all NNID&Skype: fallenAnvil Play time ~ pst 6pm? generally after dinner sometime, especially with mario maker out atm, splatoon gets push off later depending on which game is already in the system... >.> Weapon....Depends, how much do you want to see me suck? but normally Tentatek or...
  2. Anvil

    What weapons do you guys use and why?

    Tentatek for me when I die too much and just need an all-arounder. Otherwise, it's the Sploosh-o-matic or when I just feel like having run, the Slosher. But I don't have the fast trigger fingers of a pro player and I get tire easily, so I'm only good at dumping in on my own team mates..slowly...
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