Recent content by bohneevair

  1. bohneevair

    what other games have grabbed your attention lately?

    I Was a Teenage Exocolonist: Part raising sim, part deck builder, plus a great story, characters, and OST. All around highly underrated and I suggest checking it out. I finished my first playthrough and immediately went back for seconds lol Animal Crossing: New Horizons: My second most played...
  2. bohneevair

    Is C-Liter Viable?

    I have no idea about competitive, but panic button Kraken sounds hilarious and I'm excited to see it in action.
  3. bohneevair

    Feb. 2024 Splatfest: Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday Ramblethread

    Didn't see a thread like this so I decided to make one! Feel free to talk about anything related to the current Splatfest here. How's your experience so far? I'm on Team Saturday and my god, the mirror matches are crazy. The other teams put up a good fight whenever I get a chance to face them, too.
  4. bohneevair

    good morning

    Awww, Mingus is so cute!! Thank you for sharing.
  5. bohneevair

    Comp players

    I do agree that the negativity gets grating, though. The people complaining have just as much of a right to voice their opinion as I do, but it sort of bums me out. Not really much of a solution other than taking it in stride and ignoring it if it's too much.
  6. bohneevair

    why is everyone saying we are not getting 3rd kits?

    It feels like Splat3 had a lot of things working against it: COVID, then Side Order crunch, and now it seems like they're already working on the next Splat game tbh. That being said, I still am kind of expecting a Sheldon's Picks sort of situation down the line, possibly even after major...
  7. bohneevair

    What's everyone's dream kit for their favorite weapon?

    Not really a "dream kit" but it's something I thought of just now that I think would be fun. Hydra: Splat Bomb / Trizooka.
  8. bohneevair

    I am once again having a weapond crisis (yay)

    Have you tried playing a backline / slower weapon for a bit? Not as a new main or anything, but just to give yourself a break and experience the maps from a new perspective. I took a break from my regular backline weapons to play Splat Roller for a bit (I know lol) and when I went back to them I...
  9. bohneevair

    What's your Splashtag title?

    precocious punk. i like alliteration. ;v;
  10. bohneevair

    Share Your Locker!

    accidentally double posted and I don't know how to delete, I'm sorry. ;A;
  11. bohneevair

    Share Your Locker!

    she likes to have coffee w/ her friends between matches. ;v;
  12. bohneevair

    Explo mains, how are you feeling right now?

  13. bohneevair

    My day is going pretty good so far! Hope yours is going well too.

    My day is going pretty good so far! Hope yours is going well too.
  14. bohneevair

    What badges are you trying to get?

    - Gold Inkstorm badge (I play a lot of Explo / CJet so I think I'll be able to get it without trying lol) - More SR Map badges for the EVP checkpoints That's it really? I'm pretty content with my current badges lol.
  15. bohneevair

    How do you guys get better at aiming?

    Besides what others have mentioned, you might appreciate Lai's charger guides. Even if they don't help, their sniping compilations are super fun to watch lol. Possible tip, take w/ a grain of salt because my aim is pretty bad too: Try to slow down your reactions. It's better to take a second to...
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