Recent content by Carrotsticks

  1. Carrotsticks

    Tournament [Jul 9, 2016] Imperious Ink 1 [NEW] (...)

    Are we still entered or do we have to enter again
  2. Carrotsticks

    My discord is Carrotsticks #3591

    My discord is Carrotsticks #3591
  3. Carrotsticks

    I'm pretty sure I gave it but it's Carrotsticks#3591

    I'm pretty sure I gave it but it's Carrotsticks#3591
  4. Carrotsticks

    Tournament [Jul 2, 2016] Imperious Ink 1 (Splatoon)

    Um I have a question is the start date and the end date a mistake?if so u might need to fix that.
  5. Carrotsticks

    Team MidKnight looking for members of S+ Rank

    We are a squad that will enter tournaments we entered a few thus far and will enter even more.We Are an American Team we usually play starting 6 Cst forward.We are mostly all S+ with some exceptions.You will need discord for communication.Also please make sure to tell us your nnid (of course)...
  6. Carrotsticks

    Meddling Squids Seek Regular Scrim Buddies

    Add my discord it's Carrotsticks#3591 as I can't find you on discord MS-DOS
  7. Carrotsticks

    Daydream | Looking for scrims

    Hey I'm the leader of Omega3 we would like to scrim with your team.Most of our team is in Cst time zone and would be ablessed to play at 6cst onwards.We are all S and S+ ranked.If we can could we talk over this in discord.
  8. Carrotsticks

    The Marines [mƒ★] Looking For Scrims

    I have sent you a request so we can further discuss this on discord Btw I'm Carrotsticks leader of Omega3
  9. Carrotsticks


    We are looking for new members to join Requirements : Discord Be at least S rank Be sure to tell me your rank lvl main weapon and your nnid
  10. Carrotsticks

    Looking for recruits to join Omega 3

    All right thanks for joining we will talk later
  11. Carrotsticks

    Looking for recruits to join Omega 3

    we are in need of Splatoon players to join our squad REQUIREMENTS: NEED TO BE ON OFTEN NEED TO BE AT LEAST S RANK These are the only things you need HOW TO JOIN: TELL US YOUR NNID YOUR LEVEL YOUR RANK MAIN WEAPON THANKS FOR JOINING
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