Recent content by catgirlinspace

  1. catgirlinspace

    hi! I saw you joined the group yeah. It's a public group, don't need approval to join :3

    hi! I saw you joined the group yeah. It's a public group, don't need approval to join :3
  2. catgirlinspace

    i’m an eepy kitty

    i’m an eepy kitty
  3. catgirlinspace

    plaza post (and twitter integration) changes

    yep! just judging this off of what i’ve seen with players repeatedly being in the city. also to be clear, these are just guesses I have based off of what I’ve seen. I don’t know how the backend chooses posts to show (other than splatfest region and probably language are used).
  4. catgirlinspace

    plaza post (and twitter integration) changes

    even currently I feel like Twitter interactions are probably weighted pretty lightly if it all. I'd imagine it's all/mostly based on "Fresh!" interactions and player history with previous posts.
  5. catgirlinspace

    plaza post (and twitter integration) changes

    Yes they did? There's an entire reporting flow. Just because they were also posted to Twitter/Facebook doesn't mean Nintendo had no moderation, and iirc there's been examples of posts being removed by Nintendo.
  6. catgirlinspace

    What's your Splashtag title?

    currently my title is SUPERFRESH Programmer :3
  7. catgirlinspace

    it's a cat face :3 this font makes it look funny lol this font is better :3

    it's a cat face :3 this font makes it look funny lol this font is better :3
  8. catgirlinspace

    meow :3

    meow :3
  9. catgirlinspace

    what are your favorite songs from the splatoon series?

    think my favorites are No Quarters by Chirpy Chips, We're so Back by Off the Hook, and #47 onward by Dedf1sh feat. Off the Hook. all the other credits songs are really good too.
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