Recent content by chaotik0

  1. chaotik0

    The quest for Hatsune Miku badge: an unlikely victory

    i somehow got terrible sleep that day and also had an awful nap right before we started playing so brain was also dying especially towards the end even though this was at a much better time for me. at least it fit with the theme! (im not sure how much i can blame being tired or how bad or good i...
  2. chaotik0

    just played 1 match of open and our roller spent most of the time just continuously rolling into...

    just played 1 match of open and our roller spent most of the time just continuously rolling into the fans on marlin open never disappoints for seeing the most questionable players lol
  3. chaotik0

    scorch zones is making me very sad but i also just had to fight some cracked brella players so...

    scorch zones is making me very sad but i also just had to fight some cracked brella players so that was cool x might be the only place i would see undercover and be terrified
  4. chaotik0

    im 1 hp cornered on marlin rm against a vrp, they throw a toxic mist at me and i fully heal in...

    im 1 hp cornered on marlin rm against a vrp, they throw a toxic mist at me and i fully heal in the ink while in the toxic mist why can you heal in toxic mist????
  5. chaotik0

    i dont know how i forgot about that one

    i dont know how i forgot about that one
  6. chaotik0

    hopefully the extra fests after main seasons doesnt mean we are waiting that much longer to get...

    hopefully the extra fests after main seasons doesnt mean we are waiting that much longer to get tricolor for pbs i wanna play on the grand fest stage again
  7. chaotik0

    "i miss league battle they were supposed to actually add it" "well they kinda made that into...

    "i miss league battle they were supposed to actually add it" "well they kinda made that into open" "yeah but open sucks" *immediately q against triple laggy aerosprays
  8. chaotik0

    ORANGE SBLAST LFG!!!!!!!!!!!

    ORANGE SBLAST LFG!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. chaotik0

    oh yeah i also only locked in once i realized everyone on my friends list and in the pool for...

    oh yeah i also only locked in once i realized everyone on my friends list and in the pool for dznutskup would see my x power once it calculated and i really didnt want it to be low and then everyone laughs at me lol
  10. chaotik0

    what i got 2063 x power in my initial calculation for clams even though my last game was a...

    what i got 2063 x power in my initial calculation for clams even though my last game was a dc???? im so sad we were going to win does that mean it would have been higher?
  11. chaotik0


  12. chaotik0

    The DzNutsKup Experience

    dont worry about it that was very big brain i literally never seen that before it was kinda cool literally 300iq
  13. chaotik0

    Anyone main Dualie Squelchers?

    i love dualie squelchers but basically only because the jump tech is so cool so ill talk about that part the most i dont really explain that good im just trying to translate brain thoughts into real words that doesnt go the best for me so im sorry if it sounds incoherent after the first dodge...
  14. chaotik0

    next time they do a pokemon splatfest the themes should be ghost type vs bug type vs rattata

    next time they do a pokemon splatfest the themes should be ghost type vs bug type vs rattata
  15. chaotik0

    thats my second favorite emoji! my favorite is 🦈 so versatile, so expressive, so 🦈 i combine...

    thats my second favorite emoji! my favorite is 🦈 so versatile, so expressive, so 🦈 i combine it with ✨ to make 🦈 ✨ which is kinda like :D it is a very happy shark
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