Recent content by Chikouu

  1. Chikouu

    What will be the first thing you do?

    Will most likely first explore the plaza and shops, do some singleplayer levels just to get the feel for the motion controls (i mostly played with it turned off in the testfire as i was maining the roller), jump into the the multiplayer and reach lvl 10 as soon as possible, and then either try...
  2. Chikouu

    Octarian Males; have we seen them?

    All of the enemies are Octarian, but I think they said either in a direct or on their tumblr that only the females have been seen to have a humanoid form.
  3. Chikouu

    Splatoon Animal Crossing: New Leaf QR Codes

    Speaking of Animal Crossing, I took this gem a month ago. Confirmed that Splatoon and Animal Crossing takes place in the same universe :P
  4. Chikouu

    Nintendo is doing a weapon poll

    Voted for the Blaster, though I also need to try the .52 Gal. I already know I love the Splat Roller so I see no point in directly going to it.
  5. Chikouu

    Best Ink Color Combination

    Yellow and blue, may or may not be because that's the color of the swedish flag u_u
  6. Chikouu

    Squid Hairstyles?

    There is so many awesome things they could do with the hairstyles, but unless it's a feature at launch that they just haven't shown off yet I doubt it'll be added.
  7. Chikouu

    4 Hours Between Map Switching

    Like the rotation, hate the time. I guess it makes sense right now when we have so few maps, but I really hope it gets cut down to about 2 hours once we get more.
  8. Chikouu

    Which level did you like more in the demo?

    Hard to choose which one I liked more, both where so much fun. But I think I'll have to go with the warehouse.
  9. Chikouu

    To use motion controls or to not use motion controls....

    So I turned it off this test period. I found that I prefer to have it off while using the roller, but had an easier time aiming with the motion controls while using the shooters.
  10. Chikouu

    Let's be honest, playing splatoon's demo

    I wasn't actually planning on playing this first hour (it started 5 am) but I woke up like 7 minutes after start and thought "why not?"
  11. Chikouu

    To use motion controls or to not use motion controls....

    It felt okay, but I'm going to turn it off the next test period and see how that feels.
  12. Chikouu

    What weapon type will you be main?

    Roller for me, I always choose the melee weapon if I have a choice as I'm not all that good at ranged (will probably mostly going with the brush).Though I'm still going to be practicing with the shooter just in case I'm going to need it.
  13. Chikouu

    Style or Stats?

    I'm going with style, winning while looking like a disaster is just not worth it.
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