Recent content by Comlurb

  1. Comlurb


    Thank you! haha
  2. Comlurb

    Btw... Now it changed my in-game name

    Btw... Now it changed my in-game name
  3. Comlurb

    Alright! Cya later =)

    Alright! Cya later =)
  4. Comlurb

    It is so hard not being able to talk

    It is so hard not being able to talk
  5. Comlurb

    I thought by changing it on my profile it would change in game LOL

    I thought by changing it on my profile it would change in game LOL
  6. Comlurb

    Not sure how do I put the music sign

    Not sure how do I put the music sign
  7. Comlurb

    Whats the tag?

    Whats the tag?
  8. Comlurb

    Wanna play some splatoon?

    Wanna play some splatoon?
  9. Comlurb

    Comlurb #1940 I guess

    Comlurb #1940 I guess
  10. Comlurb

    It is the same: Comlurb

    It is the same: Comlurb
  11. Comlurb

    I think this is it? @258741014003449866

    I think this is it? @258741014003449866
  12. Comlurb

    Sorry for my noobishness, but where do I find my discord ID?

    Sorry for my noobishness, but where do I find my discord ID?
  13. Comlurb

    So.. you are not on discord?

    So.. you are not on discord?
  14. Comlurb

    I just joined it =)

    I just joined it =)
  15. Comlurb

    Can we talk on a discord or something like that? I am kind of confused

    Can we talk on a discord or something like that? I am kind of confused
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