Recent content by Corvuu

  1. C

    How come people are so bad?

    I am indeed doubting humanity now. teamamtes inking the place in tower control..... sigh
  2. C

    How come people are so bad?

    Sounds logical enough, but really sucky as well. i'd like to play against people my level, who haven't got full 3 star gear and top weapons i can do nothing against. This just makes me not want to play, since leveling up when losing all the time is dreadfully slow.
  3. C

    How come people are so bad?

    So i've bought splatoon a day or 2 ago, thinking i'm in for a good time. I was wrong. Not only am i getting matchmade with level 30-45 people while i'm only level 8, i'm for some reason always outperforming my level 37 teammates. All for nothing, because i've maybe only won 10 games in total...
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