Recent content by Crash

  1. Crash

    How do you feel about Nintendo adding multiplayer data for the killer wail to Splatoon 2?

    Honestly? Killer wail > stingray. Just give it some tweaks and it’s good. Splatoon 2 doesn’t really have many maps with long sections that are super crucial to the map (see: saltspray rig) so imho if it was added back how it is it wouldn’t even be op at all
  2. Crash

    is splatoon 1 or 2 better?

    hahahahaha seconded. f clam blitz
  3. Crash

    is splatoon 1 or 2 better?

    honestly? splatoon 2 improved on most things in splat1. like i love s1 but having to go open my laptop on an unofficial chrome extension to see rotation was a lot less convenient than the switch app lol also i think they learned a lot about balance in shooters in moving towards splat2 - they...
  4. Crash

    im baby

    im baby
  5. Crash

    What's the best and worst sub weapon?

    although it really depends on the weapon along with the sub for me to like the sub, id have to say my personal favorite would have to be burst bombs, and my least favorite disruptors. ive literally been a huge fan of burst bombs since the game came out. when splatoon was released i exclusively...
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