Recent content by Dendygar

  1. Dendygar

    Hi, I'm Dendygar and welcome to Octobrush hell

    Hi, I'm Dendygar and welcome to Octobrush hell
  2. Dendygar

    LGBT+ Squad Recruiting!

    Awesome! If you guys don't mind, I'd be interested in joining~ Username: Dendygar Preferred name: either Elias or Dendygar (For shorthand I also respond to Dendy!) Skype Name: completleygenericusername Preferred Weapon(s): Octobrush,Custom Blaster, Luna Blaster, Blaster, Inkbrush Nouveau...
  3. Dendygar

    LGBT+ Squad Recruiting!

    Is there an age requirement for this squad? Just curious because I know some squads arre kinda picky about that. :o
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