Recent content by Devack

  1. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Raye had reached the door to what looked like a cafeteria, dimly aware of someone calling her name. Raye turned and saw Laura running towards her. "Sorry. Thought you were right behind me." Raye said, before looking back into the cafeteria. She took a few careful steps inside, her Splattling...
  2. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Raye hefted her Splattling, getting ready to move, when the alarms stopped. "That cannot be good." she said to nobody in particular. "We need to keep moving." Raye began moving down the hall, her weapon pointed ahead of her to be ready in case something jumped out to attack them. @Rustic...
  3. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    As Raye thought more about the goop, another thought came to her. It had been some time since their escape, and she wasn't sure if Laura had had something to eat before the chaos broke out. Digging in her pockets, she was relieved to see that the bottle that contained the food pills was still...
  4. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    "Well, good news." Raye said to Laura. "We now have an updated map. Bad news: Looks like our escape is causing a little bit in the way of chaos. But, it should be easier to escape in the confusion, unless the Octarians decide to simply lock down the place. Then, it could get a bit hairy." she...
  5. Devack

    Zapfish Academy: A Casual RP!

    Sil remained in his Squid form, hiding in the puddle of ink he had created earlier, not daring to move, for fear of creating a ripple that would give him away. He saw the burst bomb sail over his head, hoping that it wouldn't land too near him.
  6. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Raye swept the area beyond the hatch the stairs led to with her Splattling, thankful they were now in an area with normal gravity. She obviously didn't recognize where they were, and looked at her OOPA. "Where are we?" she asked. @Rustic: [Action - Ask OOPA about their location.]
  7. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Raye sighed. "Looks like the stairs it is, then." she said. "Laura, what's-his-face, you guys coming?" Raye asked as she approached the steps. @Rustic [Action - Climb the steps]
  8. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    "We need to get moving." Raye said. "With the gravity generators as they are, it's difficult to move and fight effectively. We'll need to dial back the effect to normal levels, or find a way to escape the field." she said, before looking at her own OOPA. "Can you tell us where either the gravity...
  9. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Raye heard the clatter of whatever it was that hit the walkway. Looking around, and moving her splattling slowly due to the increased gravity. Soon, she found the source, someone hanging on the edge of the walkway. Running over, she extended her hand to help him up. @Rustic: [Action - Help the...
  10. Devack

    Zapfish Academy: A Casual RP!

    Sil heard someone get splatted, and began to run, using the ink he had spread earlier to move faster in his squid form.
  11. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    "What's going on?" Raye asked as she felt her Splattling become heavier, as well as the uncomfortable feeling of her OOPA pulling on her skin and ink sac. "Ugh. OOPA, what's happening?" Raye asked her OOPA, while praying that it didn't somehow rip itself out of her. @Rustic: Action - Ask OOPA...
  12. Devack

    Zapfish Academy: A Casual RP!

    Sil by this point had been running, trying to not only get some distance, but to put whatever obstacles he could between himself and the Inkling who was "it". Once he felt he was far enough, he began inking the floor and walls, creating a space large enough to not only hide, but to move if needed.
  13. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Raye looked at Laura. "This way." she said, walking down the walkway. @Rustic [Action: Keep moving down the walkway.]
  14. Devack

    Zapfish Academy: A Casual RP!

    Sil stepped up to the nearest respawn pad, before turning to Forge. "I use a Splattershot Pro." he said before stepping on the pad.
  15. Devack

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Raye looked around as well, looking for a safe path after hearing what Laura's OOPA had just said about their current location. "Then we'd better be careful." she said, before looking at her own OOPA. Raye then began to look around again, her Splattling ready in case they came under attack...
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