Recent content by Dewsader

  1. Dewsader

    Can anyone help me with my E-liter setup?

    So here's what I'm using now. Planning to add more slots to the Headband and I just ordered some new shoes from spyke. This already is working quite a bit better. I've decided than until I get everything into working order though I may use a different charger. I feel like with my current gear...
  2. Dewsader

    Can anyone help me with my E-liter setup?

    Wow, okay so to start off why do you use Special Charge Up on your chest? I see the 3 Ink Saver Mains so that would be fantastic but wouldn't it be better to slot something else in there? Also I'm glad to see that ink recovery up is a big difference maker on this because I'm sick of being out of...
  3. Dewsader

    Can anyone help me with my E-liter setup?

    Fair point, and even if you're not super knowledgeable in the E-liter it still seems like you know more that I do. So I appreciate it tons! Hopefully I can get some second opinions as well though. I see where you're coming from with the burst bombs and such but I don't know if I fully understand...
  4. Dewsader

    Can anyone help me with my E-liter setup?

    Well that's still a whole lot more information that I would have come up with. So instead of Ink resistance on my shoes should I aim for something more like Ink saver or Ink recovery? Or would Damage up just be all out better on that slot? Also do you have a recommended headgear for that then...
  5. Dewsader

    Competitive Squad Searching Thread

    Forum Name: Dewsader Country: United States (West coast) Current Role/Weapon: Still seeking role, mostly playing Charge rifle (E-liter 3k) or Roller (Carbon Roller) NNID: Dewsader Your Age: 17 Age Range of Group you are looking for: 15+ Additional Contact Information: PM me here if you'd like or...
  6. Dewsader

    Can anyone help me with my E-liter setup?

    Okay so first off, let me explain my current thought process on why I'm using what I am right now. So I find myself sitting far back with the E-liter a lot or trying to get to positions to gain an advantage from a range. So when people get close to me my thought process is to run away, hence why...
  7. Dewsader

    My personal 'rule of thumb' tier list

    My only real question about this whole thing is why is the Custom E-Liter over the Normal E-Liter. I've always found that Beacon is useful in very minute situations and you wouldn't be close enough to Kraken if you're standing far back as you should be for using the E-liter. But maybe I just...
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