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Nova buffs? BIG SWIG BUFFS??? best patch ever
(also what are they doing to nzap. is that a nerf? you have less paint but you also strafe faster so not sure what the overall affect would be)
Also, the splatlands and Inkopolis are in tokyo.
The splatoon map looks a bit odd, but we can see that the crater, and Splatsville, are between Suruga Bay (red dot) and Sagami Bay (white dot). (Inkopolis Bay is Tokyo Bay.) Based on this, I'm now wondering if The Crater is Mount Fuji?
So crableg capital and hagglefish market are near each other because you can see each stage from the other one, and by the look of the buildings, they are both in inkopolis. Looking at the inkadia map, they are probably near where those rectangles are, just west of inkopolis square.
Several people have already talked about joining squidboards, but I really think this forum (and more specifically its members) have helped me make some real progress in terms of socialising this year. Squidboards was my first social media account, so this is really my first try talking to this...