Recent content by FloppyChode

  1. FloppyChode

    Recruiting for C-!

    Why I left C-...
  2. FloppyChode

    INKSTORM 3 Feedback thread

    I would have liked InkStorm 3 to be named InkStorm Qualifier because it was only until after the fact I learned about the Premier League. It is a cool idea. The marketing really fell short though. That is just a personal preference.
  3. FloppyChode

    Ìß✮ | Ìnglorious ßelemnites [OPEN]

    Form Submitted.
  4. FloppyChode

    ThatSrb2DUDE: How DUDE uses the GamePad (Handcam)

    What sensitivity do you use Dude?
  5. FloppyChode

    oL | Octarian Legion - Currently Not Recruiting

    NNID: FloppyChode Squidboards ID: FloppyChode Age: 21 Time Zone: EST NA Skype: michael.hawley247 Rank: S+ What you consider your strongest weapon: Dynamo/.52 Gal Streaming Capability? - No, but I am working on it. What controls you use? Gyro Applying for Main Team or as a Substitute? Either
  6. FloppyChode

    That's punny!

    That's punny!
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