Recent content by GamerKitty205

  1. GamerKitty205

    IC - The Unique Ones

    "Hmm," Aisa began scratching her head. "Honestly I don't know. I've loved battling for what feels like forever. I'm pretty sure I've been battling in inkopolis for... 4 years? Yeah."
  2. GamerKitty205

    IC - The Unique Ones

    "Aisa, I main dark tetra dualies most of the time. Sometimes I use an aerospray." Aisa says pulling out the aforementioned weapons and hurrying to the spawn point.
  3. GamerKitty205

    IC - The Unique Ones

    Aisa was finishing up her food when she heard someone say something about a missing teammates. Wait they had said something about their match being at 11. Wait.... The missing teammate was her wasn't it. Aisa quickly scared down the rest of her food and walked over to the two cephalolings...
  4. GamerKitty205

    IC - The Unique Ones

    Aisa wakes up with a start the moment her alarm went off. It was a little bit of fumbling before she managed to turn it off. When had she set that? Right that one time she stayed up all night and slept til 3. Her eyes actually opened after she turned off the alarm. Now why were the lights on...
  5. GamerKitty205

    Character sheets/OOC - The unique ones

    I'm ready anytime
  6. GamerKitty205

    Character sheets/OOC - The unique ones

    Name: Aisa Stars Species: Octoling Ink color: Bright Purple Appearance: Aisa's tentacles are unusual in the way they remain almost completely black regardless of her ink color. The only things that change are the bioluminescent dots on her tentacles. For this reason she normally keeps her...
  7. GamerKitty205

    RP Ideas? Post Them Here!

    Of course! If we get enough people to start it up I'll definitely join!
  8. GamerKitty205

    RP Ideas? Post Them Here!

    @Yin_ that sounds like a cool roleplay idea! It definitely sounds like it would be good for making cool quirky characters.
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