Recent content by GaomonAndLucario

  1. GaomonAndLucario

    Cyber Squids Now Recruiting!

    Hello! Thanks for showing interest! Yes, we are still open! Above is my Discord if you want contact!
  2. GaomonAndLucario

    Cyber Squids Now Recruiting!

    Hello! Thanks for your interest! I'll be contacting you shortly on Discord!
  3. GaomonAndLucario

    Cyber Squids Now Recruiting!

    I see you are in our Discord server, just DM for the details and we'll sort it out!
  4. GaomonAndLucario

    Cyber Squids Now Recruiting!

    Hello! Thanks for the interest! We'll start going for tryouts starting Saturday. I'll contact you to let you know when we are ready! In the meantime, wanna schedule your tryout?
  5. GaomonAndLucario

    Cyber Squids Now Recruiting!

    Sorry about the reply! Hello! I'll try to schedule you a time in the near future.
  6. GaomonAndLucario

    Looking for Splatoon 2 team

    Hello! I think you would be a perfect fit for our competitive clan named Cyber Squids. Cyber Squids seeks to help people improve by focusing on it's members. Not to mention that we give you a framework to improve after tryouts so even if you aren't accepted... You can improve and try again...
  7. GaomonAndLucario

    Looking for Competitive Team

    GaomonAndLucario#8359 Here's mine to add.
  8. GaomonAndLucario

    Looking for Competitive Team

    Hello! I am a leader for Cyber Squids and I believe that we are in need of some Blaster users. I think you would surely fit in with our clan. We have over 25 members and we have a supportive community. Our competitive clan seeks to compete in tournaments more now. So please, come join if interested!
  9. GaomonAndLucario

    Cyber Squids Now Recruiting!

    Hello! Thanks for being interested! I'll see when would be a good time to try you out. ^^ Still recruiting guys! I'd place a date of September 1st is when we'll close for a bit. ^^
  10. GaomonAndLucario

    Cyber Squids Now Recruiting!

    Hello! Thank you! We'll figure out a time soon.
  11. GaomonAndLucario

    Need a Splatoon 2 clan?

    Hey, since you didn't get in... I'd like to offer you the chance to be in our clan called Cyber Squids. Since their tryouts are closed. However, I wish you luck Fresh! Good luck with your clan!
  12. GaomonAndLucario

    Cyber Squids Now Recruiting!

    Hello! Yes, I'm very glad you are interested! Can you perhaps add me on Discord via GaomonAndLucario#8359 for more details?
  13. GaomonAndLucario

    Cyber Squids Now Recruiting!

    Yup! I'm currently watching the G7 Splatoon tournament so hopefully it'll conclude before then! Yo, you out of work yet?
  14. GaomonAndLucario

    Long Ranged Weapon Main - Looking for a Team (NA)

    Hey! Please reply as soon as possible! I can tryout you out right now.
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