Recent content by HerrAlex

  1. HerrAlex

    Do walls count in Turf War?

    I've noticed the special meter doesn't fill up when you shoot ink on walls... Do they not count as turf? Is it pointless to try to cover them?
  2. HerrAlex

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    I can't draw myself but that first picture looks awesome!
  3. HerrAlex

    Splatoon’s Multiplayer Rules Aren’t Customizable

    Meh, at least let us customize the time limit or amount of lives per player or something like that. :(
  4. HerrAlex

    HerrAlex Splashes In!

    No, I couldn't think of a better title. Greetings everyone! I come from Smashboards like many of you and I'm so hyped for this game! I hope the online multiplayer will be great and I'm excited for the future of this forum. See ya!
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