Hokuto's latest activity

  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to How•SweeT!'s status with Like Like.
    I five stared the hydra @QuagSass
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to sevenleaf's status with Like Like.
    i am 0.25 century old
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to AdphæeXD's post in the thread Todaayyyy with Like Like.
    And happy platonic Valentines to all the aro's and ace's!
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to Alphine_Agnitio's post in the thread Force me out of my comfort zone. with Like Like.
    Heres tried and true advice I personally follow to the letter - soloq is for practice only. Don't worry about your rank, don't worry...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to technobyte's status with Like Like.
    Didn't know people were doing Valentine's drawings so here's a messy last-minute sketch I made to show my appreciation for edit :)
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto updated their status.
    Nothing good is ever allowed to happen to me. Valentine's Day historically SUCKS for me, and it's not even because of my relationship...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to briank913's comment on 9DB's profile post with Like Like.
    I don't disagree with Valentine's Day being a day corporations made to make money off of Hallmark cards and whatnot lol But let's be...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to RetroShark's status with Like Like.
    Happy valentines day yall! Hope you lot have a awesome day! And remember! If you don’t have a Valentine today, thats ok! You have more...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to sevenleaf's status with Like Like.
    valentine Day (i have no valentine but im going to a dance tonight 😈)
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to neonscreenlight's status with Like Like.
    i don't have a valentine but my dad got me flowers for valentines day :D
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to 3rd kit's status with Like Like.
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to briank913's status with Like Like.
    2nd 5 star weapon!
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to QuagSass's status with Like Like.
    made cuppycakes for my beloved tonight <3
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to sevenleaf's status with Like Like.
    i bemoaned not having time to do valentines art today and then did it anyway
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to briank913's status with Like Like.
    Sometimes I wish they gave more than 2500 weapon freshness points per game.
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