Hokuto's latest activity

  • Hokuto
    THIS IS A WIP. I'm going to give 2 very popular opinions and 1 slightly lukewarm one. 1: Splatoon is a good series. 2: Rougelikes...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto replied to the thread Unpopular Opinions.
    With much less interesting implications, I think Toni Kensa is conceptually an extremely boring brand. Everything is either black or...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto replied to the thread Unpopular Opinions.
    As a certified Return of the Mammalians enjoyer, I can't disagree with you. Side Order has its flaws, but it's at least consistent with...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to ReelRadioStudios's post in the thread Unpopular Opinions with Like Like.
    Here's another: We think the main story of Splat 3 was the weakest in the series. -Why did a... Sentient, giant, grizzly teddy...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to Mx_Diva's status with Like Like.
    Nothing like having a Mountain Dew Baja Blast while running the salmon.
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to Neko :D's status with Like Like.
    IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF. I STARTED PLAYING AGAIN TODAY AND ONLY LOST 2 MATCHES (out of 15) pleasesomeonepraisemeiaminneedofappreciation
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to Cephalobro's status with Like Like.
    I think I have decided on a proper list for the SFMs I'm going to do: Coral meeting Kelp's parents Shark's secret mission Kelp...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to QuagSass's status with Like Like.
    Ouahuaughghauhghh. Had to cut my latest Splatling post in half to make it a reasonable length. My passions simply keep getting the best...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to OnePotWonder's status with Like Like.
    For the first time in a while I'm suffering from writers' block. I want to post something, but can't word any of my thoughts in a...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to neonscreenlight's status with Like Like.
    shoutout to trans people. trans people are pretty cool
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to sevenleaf's comment on technobyte's profile post with Like Like.
    taking a million bajillion screenshots of the festival itself/idols performing/etc is just the objectively correct way to approach...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to technobyte's status with Like Like.
    I was cleaning out some of my switch screenshots and... I took over 100 screenshots during grand festival alone?! Sure most are pretty...
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to 3rd kit's status with Like Like.
    FINALLY!!! I AM A GOD!!! LOOK ON MY WORKS, YE MIGHTY, AND DESPAIR!!!! Now I can play X battle for like 2 days
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to Mp3's status with Like Like.
    Got 100s on math and science tests 🎉
  • Hokuto
    Hokuto reacted to Cephalobro's status with Like Like.
    Today is Pokemon Day! Time for me to tune in their presents.
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