Recent content by Hokuto

  1. Hokuto

    Just got to the local convention. The first person I saw after getting off the bus was another...

    Just got to the local convention. The first person I saw after getting off the bus was another Splatoon fan. A good sign, perhaps?
  2. Hokuto

    Hokuto's squidposts

    The files are slightly too big to attach directly, so I had to post these at home. Unfortunately, I can't do the Eight or Skipper or any of my other squishies because I borrowed these colored pencils.
  3. Hokuto

    Squidboards Dream Kits Thread (again)

    Somewhere in the distance, but still within Snipewriter range, you hear the loud and annoying Tri-Slosher Nouveau main crying and shaking...
  4. Hokuto


    My most anticipated game of 2025, to probably the surprise of at least one person, is Skate Story and not the new Pokémon Legends game. More importantly, I'm trying to find another job because I'm pretty sure I'm on a (figurative) sinking ship and I don't want to be around when everyone left...
  5. Hokuto

    It is a pretty big investment, I suppose, between the $60 for the base game, the cost of NSO for...

    It is a pretty big investment, I suppose, between the $60 for the base game, the cost of NSO for however long they plan to play it, and the time commitment to figuring things out: the unique controls, dozens of weapons that aren't equally good, how the different game modes work...
  6. Hokuto

    I'm visiting my sister who lives far away and got her to try Splatoon 3... or at least "Get to...

    I'm visiting my sister who lives far away and got her to try Splatoon 3... or at least "Get to Know Alterna, Your Only Choice." It took her seven minutes to complete the level, and that was with me taking the reins for the last third. Needless to say, we do not have a new Splatoon fan today.
  7. Hokuto

    Squidboards Dream Kits Thread (again)

    Gas Station Sushi (Torpedo/Crab Tank) is already The dream/missed opportunity Dread Wringer kit and Isaac posted the comically busted Burst/Splashdown Tri-Slosher kit (give me 200p nTri back or give me the capability of grievous violence), so I'm going to have to dig deeper. CRYSTAL DOLPHIN...
  8. Hokuto

    Why Side Order Fails as a Rougelike - An Essay by someone who ****ING HATES WRITING

    I have 100% completed three games: Zero Time Dilemma (all cutscenes and achievements), Pokémon Shield (base game Pokédex), and Side Order (all chips, upgrades, purchases). Side Order was the least satisfying experience, which says a lot to anyone who recognizes either of the first two games...
  9. Hokuto

    Unpopular Opinions

    With much less interesting implications, I think Toni Kensa is conceptually an extremely boring brand. Everything is either black or white in the game that revolves around color. I do not understand why its products are so popular. If you want more subdued options, other brands have stuff that...
  10. Hokuto

    Unpopular Opinions

    As a certified Return of the Mammalians enjoyer, I can't disagree with you. Side Order has its flaws, but it's at least consistent with its overarching theme of Order. Return of the Mammalians is only chaotic in that many elements feel slapped in for the heck of it. If we wanted Deep Cut, they...
  11. Hokuto

    What weapon/s would you play if your current main/favorite was deleted?

    I had to consider this question after playing in some bucket heavy comps yesterday. Another Tri-Slosher main got Tri-Slosher priority and the Dualies player got Splat Dualies priority, so in the modes where I wasn't playing Dread Wringer (which I suppose I would also lose to the conditions of...
  12. Hokuto

    Went to Game 5, but lost in the last 30 seconds or so. Oh well...

    Went to Game 5, but lost in the last 30 seconds or so. Oh well...
  13. Hokuto

    After missing the entire regular season thanks to extreme scheduling conflicts, my Slammin' Cup...

    After missing the entire regular season thanks to extreme scheduling conflicts, my Slammin' Cup tournament team has made it to finals. I'm surprised that I'm keeping up with more experienced players! Go Snowfall!
  14. Hokuto

    Nothing good is ever allowed to happen to me. Valentine's Day historically SUCKS for me, and...

    Nothing good is ever allowed to happen to me. Valentine's Day historically SUCKS for me, and it's not even because of my relationship status. Everything just seems to go wrong on this specific day.
  15. Hokuto

    Any Instrument Players?

    ⬅️ (assigned horn player at middle school band instrument select) No one else wanted to do it. I didn't even want to do it; my childhood dream was playing the cornet (trumpet's weird little sibling). I supposedly had the most raw natural talent my band director ever saw in his thirty years of...
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