Recent content by HoorayRapo

  1. HoorayRapo

    Private Battles: All Are Welcome

    Hello! I've been looking for some more squids to enjoy the game with, so if it's alright I'd like to join what you have going on! NNID: QuietButHappy Discord: HoorayRapo#6456
  2. HoorayRapo

    S rank Dual Squelcher main looking for casual summer squad!

    Thank you for the messages! I've found a squad that I'd like to try playing with.
  3. HoorayRapo

    S rank Dual Squelcher main looking for casual summer squad!

    Hi all! I'm looking around for a casual squad that has usual play time schedules and lets members play when they can. I'm available most nights but sometimes things come up! I wanna be able to squad with people and practice more in ranked modes. NNID: QuietButHappy Age: 21 Timezone: EST/EDT...
  4. HoorayRapo

    Home finally!! Get to relax a bit

    Home finally!! Get to relax a bit
  5. HoorayRapo

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    Eyyyyyy back at it with more art Tried my hand at some lineless art and interesting sitting poses with ThatSrb2DUDE's inkling! (Excuse the lazy generic splatfest colors; I really just wanted to use green and pink!)
  6. HoorayRapo

    Anyone have any motion control tips?

    I definitely second practicing in single player mode with the motion controls on just to help get a feel for things. If you feel like you're too jittery, try starting on a lower sensitivity and then adjusting it to be higher or lower to your preference during practice. After that, you can try...
  7. HoorayRapo

    What Instruments Do You Play?

    Been playing the baritone saxophone for about 10 years now. Alto saxophone as well. Sticking in the jazz ensemble does definitely keep my motivation going. I've dabbled in playing the piano and bassoon, although I am not very good at either of them.
  8. HoorayRapo

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    Thank you very much! I guess the main tips I have are practice (of course) and don't be afraid to try and experiment a little. Another thing to note is that great art can come from any tool. I use FireAlpaca mainly, which is a free software. The profile pic is an OC of mine! I commissioned the...
  9. HoorayRapo

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    Figured I might as well drop into this thread with something of my own! Made this a lil while back but features gear I use often in Sploon.
  10. HoorayRapo

    Currently can't stop watching speedruns

    Currently can't stop watching speedruns
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