Recent content by iBurstie

  1. iBurstie

    vι • the visionaries • applications open!

    Sent an application
  2. iBurstie

    Ìß✮ | Ìnglorious ßelemnites [OPEN]

    I applied :)
  3. iBurstie

    Ìß✮ | Ìnglorious ßelemnites [OPEN]

    I sent an application!
  4. iBurstie

    Looking for a Squad

    Hi I'm iBurstie or in game, Shiftarino. I'm an S+ .52 gal and Forge Pro main. I also can play chargers and supportive weapons. I'm looking for a squad so I can improve at Splatoon as a team game rather than just playing Solo Queue, which I've been playing since launch. I live in Ontario Canada...
  5. iBurstie

    S+ 99! . Sploosh is meta, don't deny it...

    S+ 99! . Sploosh is meta, don't deny it...
  6. iBurstie

    (S) Splatterscope/Splattershot Looking for Twin Squad

    NNID: Sp1k3r07 Sending a friend request right now, looking forward to playing with you.
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