Recent content by IJaysephI

  1. IJaysephI

    *Green Team* | Competitive Squad

    New roller main on GT? PogChamp
  2. IJaysephI

    Competitive Squad Searching Thread

    :) :) :) :) :)
  3. IJaysephI

    Ver 2.2.0 new meta

    The new meta will be 4 inkbrushes rolling around because that buff was too OP :cool:
  4. IJaysephI

    Nice to meet you.

    Nice to meet you.
  5. IJaysephI

    *Green Team* | Competitive Squad

    Lol idk why its Green Team either, I just go with it
  6. IJaysephI

    *Green Team* | Competitive Squad

    Why are you CoCo and not crack?
  7. IJaysephI

    *Green Team* | Competitive Squad

    Don't tell anyone this, but I like to eat squids.
  8. IJaysephI

    The times we played, GGs

    The times we played, GGs
  9. IJaysephI

    Are you a squid or a kid?

    Are you a squid or a kid?
  10. IJaysephI

    I'm #Jayseph S+ (99) carbon player, level 50. :D

    I'm #Jayseph S+ (99) carbon player, level 50. :D
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