Recent content by Ikaheishi

  1. Ikaheishi

    Well… I've clearly been pretty reclusive over the past few years… Oops. >.<

    Well… I've clearly been pretty reclusive over the past few years… Oops. >.<
  2. Ikaheishi

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Laura responded to Raye's apology with another quiet whimper. Laura slowly poked her head through the doorway as Raye stepped inside, glancing around in different directions, trying to get an idea of her surroundings once again. @Rustic [Examine: Surroundings]
  3. Ikaheishi

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Still recovering from her mishap with the food ‘pill’, Laura had lost herself among her thoughts. Before she knew it, Raye was gone. “Raye?” she called out, listening for her friend. Silence… Only the ambiance of the facility reached her ears. Laura look around, her eyes slowly widening as she...
  4. Ikaheishi

    Maya, my beloved pet rat of two years, just died earlier today. :(

    Maya, my beloved pet rat of two years, just died earlier today. :(
  5. Ikaheishi

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    “Well, good news.” Laura immediately stopped her slow shuffle around the hall as she turned her full attention towards the source of the voice. Sure enough, it was Raye. “We now have an updated map.” Laura perked up at what was indeed good news. “Excellent! This is just what we needed,” she...
  6. Ikaheishi

    Salt is a key ingredient in making ketchup.

    Salt is a key ingredient in making ketchup.
  7. Ikaheishi

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Laura continued to think about their present situation. “I've got to tell Raye somehow! But… How will I without possibly disturbing our…current position?” She was puzzled about how to handle their even more precarious situation and continue to escape. As she emerged from the tunnel, Laura...
  8. Ikaheishi

    I'm still quite hurt, but I'm trying to do my best to carry on; I can promise you that.

    I'm still quite hurt, but I'm trying to do my best to carry on; I can promise you that.
  9. Ikaheishi

    Viciously ousted from not just the leadership, but the entire community I poured my heart and...

    Viciously ousted from not just the leadership, but the entire community I poured my heart and soul into, & the only place I ever did fit in.
  10. Ikaheishi

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Laura let out another sigh. “So we have a very—no, extremely delicate balance going on here.” she thought to herself. Giving Archer another staredown, she followed Raye while staying behind him. @Rustic [Go to: Wherever Raye is headed]
  11. Ikaheishi

    Salmon Run Missed Rewards

    The monthly gear is something you're guaranteed to receive, while the capsules that'll give you previous gear give them out randomly. At the moment there's only one piece of gear in the pool for it to choose from: last month's reward.
  12. Ikaheishi

    RP Square Discord Thread [Invite in Thread]

    I think it's a pretty good idea. Rustic mentioned it over in the Octo Lab server and I was discussing it with him a bit. Before he pointed me to this thread. (I'm the the middle of a talk action so I wouldn't have seen this until probably tomorrow.) I think having the Discord server you propose...
  13. Ikaheishi

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Laura hoped the aggressive facade she had put on for show had held up. The fact that he was some kind of “PMC” grunt helped, as she had genuine contempt to channel into the part. But still, she was pretty uneasy about it all. “It's worth a shot,” she thought as she turned her attention towards...
  14. Ikaheishi

    Private Battles: All Are Welcome

    Yes! Very much so! We used to have an 8:30 PM BST/GMT match but eventually lost enough people playing around that time that it wasn't worth it any more. :( (P‮robably didn't help those sessions after I had so much trouble making it on time‬.)
  15. Ikaheishi

    Octo Lab - IC Thread

    Laura jumped ever so slightly; startled by the man's sudden fall. She scrambled to ready herself and her weapon for a fight should things turn out that way. With the barrel pointed at him, she began her interrogation. “H-Who are you?! What are you…doing here?!” @Rustic [Talk to: The fool who's...
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