Recent content by Iwpwad

  1. Iwpwad

    The unwieldy it viable?

    The range is unbeatable. It really does well on maps like Saltspray Rig (at least on Turf War.)
  2. Iwpwad

    Has there been a tier list for all the main weapons in the game yet?

    It is way too early for one. The game needs some time, it hasn't been out for very long.
  3. Iwpwad


    I'm stuck in that B+ Rank cuz I can't carry. I usually use dual squelcher, splattershot pro, or .52 gal deco when i go hard but Ive been using krak-on roller recently for the fun. If the shoes arent takoroka or rockenberg i dont rock em. love my baby jelly shirt., but ill wear my check shirts or...
  4. Iwpwad


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