Recent content by JbrockPony

  1. JbrockPony

    Fightan Games Social: Kung Jin is an Idiot

    Oh and Hi guys, my fighter favs outside Smash: Tekken series Capcom vs series (SNK, Marvel, Tatsunoko) Skull Girls KI Persona 4 arena BlazeBlue Dead or Alive Id say im average when it comes to traditional fighting games. I can pull off basic strings RK + LK + RP + RP + whatever or Light...
  2. JbrockPony

    Fightan Games Social: Kung Jin is an Idiot

    I use to play KI on Xbone until I had to store my Xbone in the basement due to lack of space in my room .-. Funny I got the Xbone just because how hyped it was in the trailer and I never even played the original KI. I'm within the chicago area so I'm a drive away. Maybe one day Ill get a...
  3. JbrockPony

    Cross-over Maps?

    The literal map of Delfino plaza with no changes in proportions would be an amazing fit when looking at it from a technical aspect.The map itself is spacious and the water is a stage hazard. Of course, updating the models could take some work but it would be an easy transition givin the fact the...
  4. JbrockPony

    5 Reasons why the Splat Roller is NOT overpowered!

    I'll admit I was part of the #RollerOP Cult, but I ended up adjusting. I started to notice that rollers have a hard time infultrating my ink areas since they slow down and take damage. With that said, it makes them a easy target for close-mid ranged shots. I often use the squid form as a...
  5. JbrockPony

    4 AM Splatfest

    If i can force myself to sleep, I'd probably be up early for the first sat session.
  6. JbrockPony

    If Splatoon had LAN support would you attend offline events?

    I'd also love some LAN tournaments. I sucks Mk8 didnt get LAN fearures like the gamecube did back then, though I'm hoping social media brings attention to this and put this as an actual feature in a future update. My local smash scene is all up for splatoon, id imagine how hype things would...
  7. JbrockPony

    Splatoon Culture

    I feel like inkling culutre would be a great basis to do cross platform culture from other game series. I've seen some mentions on Jet Set Radio but I dont know if anyone brought up Mario Sunshine with a urban Isle delfino. Splatoon in general seems like a squid infested Akihibara. Maybe one day...
  8. JbrockPony

    Splatoon Culture

    Right? Now only if Splatoon x JSR was a thing...
  9. JbrockPony


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