Recent content by JediRalts

  1. JediRalts

    What's with Bring Back Callie?

    It's not a Pearl hate trend (in fact the guy who started it is a Pearl fan and runs the "Nightly Pearl" series as well). It's our way of making our voices heard to Nintendo regarding Callie's treatment in the new game. All we want is for her to show up in the world after beating the campaign...
  2. JediRalts

    Regarding the Square's Callie Movement

    Okay, so as somebody who is a supporter of the movement, and somebody who knows who started it (yes, it is Trevor), I can shed some light for y'all. Yes, we're 100% serious about this. A question I see a lot is "what do you guys want?" and it's pretty simple really. All we really want is for...
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