Recent content by Jugglec

  1. J

    S+ player looking to be on a competitive team!

    You guys may want to just call yourself a team and try to recruit a few more. Then you get to come up with a name, just a thought.
  2. J

    How I believe the ranked rotation should work.

    Nintendo designed the game to have weapons that are better or worse depending on the map and mode. So you can't force players to pick without knowing what they are about to play. So I think the rotation should be completely random. However, once the game picks the map/mode, each time, then...
  3. J

    Recruiting for C-!

    I'd like to throw my straw boater into the ring for a spot on this squad. Formerly of oL Rhode and Chris can tell you about me if you want. I'm S+ play mostly shooters but can also rock a luna or dynamo. I can stream so there's that/ Let me know.
  4. J

    Worst Ways to Get Splatted?

    I'm an S+ player but in the competitive seen I'm middle of the road on a middle of the road team. Today we finished a very disappointing performance in a turny and I went to solo to get the taste out of my mouth. We were behind in Rainmaker on Trigerfish, I had the RM in over time and I'm at...
  5. J

    An Inkredible Tournament! [Jan 30, 2016]

    It doesn't seem like too many teams are eager to sign up for this one. I asked my squad (oL) if they wanted to and the response was not great. I think one major problem is the disconnect rule. DC's happen to most of us from time to time. To say that a DC = a loss is not cool. No one wants...
  6. J

    Offline Splatoon Tournaments?

    Also, why can't we play 1v1 battle dojo online? That would be nice also!
  7. J

    Offline Splatoon Tournaments?

    I personally would love to see some battle dojo turnys. It would be nice if it caught on and Nintendo expanded the mode to include all the maps and weapons. I really don't see why it can't have them, it has bothered me ever since the updates started. Also, they made such a big deal about the...
  8. J

    Motivated Squid Seeking a Competitive Clan, Believe It!

    You sound like a good candidate for splat academy. I am not affiliated with them, but some people in my clan are and they seem to be a good place to check out for people just like you.
  9. J

    The journey from S to S+

    The key to winning in solo is learning to play many different roles. Figure out what the gap is on your team and fill it. After about a minute of play you have to think to yourself why are we losing? Is the sniper shutting us out? Are we constantly getting flanked? Find the problem and be...
  10. J

    SCL sub...

    If anyone needs a sub for SCL today, oL is not doing the tournament so I'm available. I'm S+, mains are .96, tentateck, jr., .52, duel squelcher. I keep missing out on tournaments lately so I really wanna play! I can use discord or skype, it starts in like an hour so I'm not keeping my hopes...
  11. J

    Savescuming: Why it's the worst thing ever... other than you know, murder and well, lots of things.

    Okay, back from vacation. I enjoyed all the feedback on this topic and I think more people are aware of it now. I think the one point that was brought up which makes this less of a problem than I thought is how tedious it would be for a poor player to rank up this way. With this in mind it's...
  12. J

    Savescuming: Why it's the worst thing ever... other than you know, murder and well, lots of things.

    I'm going on a screen-less, tech free vacation for a week, so I will not respond to any comments on this thread for the next 7 days. I will join in the conversation after that though. Sorry to post and run.
  13. J

    Savescuming: Why it's the worst thing ever... other than you know, murder and well, lots of things.

    First off, savescuming for gear is fine. I think the lottery based gear system is lame and does nothing more than teach kids to gamble, so working around that does not bother me. I still haven’t done it but that’s just cause I’m lazy and my gear is good enough. Savescuming for rank however is...
  14. J

    Octolings In The Wild (This Is Bad)

    I had a thought about this, everyone was talking about it on miivers, so I thought I would share my thought there. I posted this: "What if the big N made up the hacker story so that everyone would hate NWPlayer?" Just a thought. I mean I don't think they did, but you never know. Apparently...
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