Recent content by KafeiThePoet

  1. KafeiThePoet

    New Game Mode: Rainmaker

    Just locking the holder of the rainmaker from squidding would work even, just being forced to leg it would easily make things last longer.
  2. KafeiThePoet

    New Game Mode: Rainmaker

    I'm not the only one who thinks this mode either concludes in 20 seconds or goes on for the entire time and is hardly anywhere in between right?
  3. KafeiThePoet

    Text/Talking Options: Are "booyah" and "c'mon" useful enough?

    I like to spam the "Booyah" as an airhorn when I get mutlikills as childish as that sounds.
  4. KafeiThePoet

    Why do inklings suicide into the water when they panic?

    Jumping into water also denys your opponent the paint that would explode from your body.
  5. KafeiThePoet

    How have the new weapon types changed your/the game

    I feel the only thing that has changed is the heavy yelling out one-liners in my head whenever me, my teammates or the enemy has a heavy splatling, that and inkstrikes everywhere!
  6. KafeiThePoet

    That awkward first hello everyone needs to get past.

    Greetings everyone, I can't think of much else to say, bleh, here i am, glad to meet you all.
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