Recent content by Kamakira

  1. Kamakira

    Create your own splatfest in the comments

    hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby
  2. Kamakira


  3. Kamakira

    Friday isn't even the weekend

    friday is a weekend because i skip my friday lecture
  4. Kamakira

    Who's your favorite comp player?

    probably me if i had to pick one
  5. Kamakira

    reeflux deco was designed as a joke and was accidentally pushed to the final build

    reeflux deco was designed as a joke and was accidentally pushed to the final build
  6. Kamakira

    if you don't know you don't understand yet but that's okay

    if you don't know you don't understand yet but that's okay
  7. Kamakira

    one day the people will understand my vision

    one day the people will understand my vision
  8. Kamakira

    an analysis of the competitive viability of turf war, and how it could be improved

    as most of us know by now, nintendo has always used turf war matches for the early stages of their official tournaments. yet, to my knowledge, they are the only tournament organizers who regularly feature turf war as a key part of their events. why is that? in this thread i'll take a look at...
  9. Kamakira

    How long are you planning on using Squidboards?

    fully expecting activity to die down after the first week back or so but as long as the site remains active enough i plan on sticking around. it's nice to have a dedicated hub site for the community rather than being in like 50 discord servers and trying to figure out what we're currently mad...
  10. Kamakira

    its time for a minus server

    i am an artist and squidboards is but a canvas
  11. Kamakira

    what if we kissed in the umami ruins pit

    what if we kissed in the umami ruins pit
  12. Kamakira

    its time for a minus server

    see this is exactly why we need the minus server if thats what it takes to find a scrim in this economy i'll take it
  13. Kamakira

    Squiffer Kit Hopes/Prediction

    im squiffing myself if it doesn't get inkjet or kraken
  14. Kamakira

    div 8-9 teams scrim us zones only friday 7 est we suck at zones

    div 8-9 teams scrim us zones only friday 7 est we suck at zones
  15. Kamakira

    its time for a minus server

    i keep getting c rank players on my team so i can never win
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