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decav getting nerfed in 9.3.0 :(
charge slash lunge delayed +2 frames (i don't know how much of an impact that'll have, but i'm sure i'll feel it) and horizontal inking width decreased by 12%...tbf warranted as it is a truly terrifying weapon in the right hands...but RIGHT when i start seriously...
Since getting DEEPLY into this game for the first time in years and getting invested in Ranked, I can't go back to Turf, it just doesn't hit the same. I'm only B- thus far and near-exclusively play Tower and Zones when it comes to it, but still. Now that I have two secondaries I'm even More...
Didn't know there were x main communities out there but it makes a lot of sense now I think about it! I deeply admire the Jr and Custom Jr users I see about - finding the very first weapon you used to be THE one, something about the going full-circle is awesome to me. Wondering if I've ever seen...
can absolutely confirm as a dwiper user. sometimes all semblance of any logical thought goes completely out the window when i use that thing (good news is this is becoming less frequent with time but good lord)
Have played Mini a few times through…Salmon Run of all things, even though I know that’s a DRASTICALLY different context. How Salmon Run forces you to learn weapons you may never touch otherwise has succeeded its intent (at least I suspect) of making me gain appreciation for all classes’ quirks...
Did try a bit of vMachine earlier today and love it but the 220p special SEVERELY hurts it for me, so dropped it very fast. Might try again with Neo since I love how the main feels despite being very incompetent with Zooka
you’ll never guess what I mained in 2 actually…might come back to them, i still kinda have the muscle memory. was specifically v squelchers. tbf I didn’t play nearly as often as I have since this year. didn’t know any technical community language at all (wasn’t at all involved in it until now) -...
Not as sure on NOcto, but I have a feeling it’ll grow on me with time! I’ve faced some truly terrifying users of it on TC and hope one day, if all goes well, I could maybe become one of them >:)
only two matches into Tower after a bit of practice in the lobby with the REEF-LUX and it immediately feels comfortable to me - even if I’m blindly firing around a bit and clearly don’t know very much of what I’m doing. first time a weapon has clicked like that since Wiper, which…pretty good...