Recent content by L176

  1. L

    Going about starting a team

    Where do you live?
  2. L

    Ink or Sink Tournament! v.1.1b Final Version!

    Quite the comeback... Any way find out if a game is being streamed at the moment?
  3. L

    Looking for a Competitive European squad.

    Thi could suit you: We are mostly finnish with a few american additions. We are just starting team matches this week, but we have been around from the beginning. I am not their admin by the way.
  4. L

    Looking for Group for Squad Battles.

    I am a B/B+ (depending on the day) looking for the same thing. I'm already in a team (Team Banana) but I am looking for some one to practice with as my team is not that active all the time. I Live in Finland so our timezones are quite different. Still I am on a holiday until the end of the month...
  5. L

    Your Average Turf War Score

    Depends on who I play with. If it's players equal to me (20 leveled vets) it's only 600-800 depending on the game. If it's under leveled newdies it's more like 800-1000. I use .52 gal...
  6. L

    Weapon roles

    Inkbrush is kind of a hybrid weapon as a support could easily used to make squidlanes especially in early ranked matches. Of course in ranked battles the roles are little different anyway.
  7. L

    Weapon roles

    That's a good start although for me the roles are a little simpler. I have split the classes in three main categoriesa and the disected them a little. First and for most is the spreader (bad name but couldn't make anything better at this point). Another name i've been thinking is the laner...
  8. L

    Splatoon Won't Survive in its Current Condition

    I too think that Nintendo could work on matchmaking and balancing the teams in regular, but I still also think that most of your complaints are fixable by just getting better at the game. You shouldn't give boosts to a losing team just because suck (only exception should be games where one of...
  9. L

    5 Reasons why the Splat Roller is NOT overpowered!

    Rollers seemed to dominate the game early on, but when Aerosprays became more popular and people actually started moving around the map the rollers seem to have vanished from the top ranks...
  10. L

    Kyllähän tuo löytyy. En ees muista kyllä omaa tunnusta, kun on pitkä aika viime kerrasta. Pitää...

    Kyllähän tuo löytyy. En ees muista kyllä omaa tunnusta, kun on pitkä aika viime kerrasta. Pitää lisätä kuhan kotiin pääsen.
  11. L

    A friendly Finnish splatoneer.

    A friendly Finnish splatoneer.
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