Recent content by leetwheat

  1. leetwheat

    Friend Codes

    NNID: leetwheat
  2. leetwheat

    NSquared Skype Group

    Hey my Skype name is aewheat if u want to add me to the group
  3. leetwheat

    Hey its aewheat

    Hey its aewheat
  4. leetwheat

    Praise Felix!

    Arch bishop nester has bestowed his graces for the praise felix thread! Felix is love! Felix is life!
  5. leetwheat

    Praise Felix!

    Praise almighty felix!
  6. leetwheat

    Praise Felix!

    Use this forum for the daily praise of our lord Felix. Only posts about lord Felix and his many graces he bestows upon us are allowed! PRAISE FELIX!
  7. leetwheat

    im following you..... creeper style

    im following you..... creeper style
  8. leetwheat

    NSquared Skype Group

    Count me in once I get a proper internet connection set up at the new apartment!
  9. leetwheat

    NSquared Squid Squad Weapon rollcall!

    52 gal deco in turf war, one of the squelchers in ranked, haven't figured out which squelcher I like the most yet in ranked though
  10. leetwheat

    come introduce yourself!

    What's up! I'm Adam, aka leetwheat. 25 years old living in Birmingham Alabama. Long time Nintendo gamer. Started playing at a very young age during the last 2 years of the NES life cycle. Its cool to see and interact with all the fellow Nsquared fans and if anyone is somewhat local or in the...
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