Recent content by LOrbSheddy

  1. LOrbSheddy

    Are these still the "worst weapons in the game"?

    I definitely believe that this group of weapons is not the "worst" in the game, simply because there is no "worst". It all really depends on the player, and even though, admittedly, these weapons have a fairly steep learning curve, they can all be deadly in the right hands. I, for one, love...
  2. LOrbSheddy

    Tokimeki ☆ Bomb Rush Remix | HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPLATOON!

    Hey guys! I'm new here, but I'm an avid Splatoon player and a remixer, and I've made a remix of Tokimeki ☆ Bomb Rush in celebration of Splatoon's first birthday! I don't expect anything much, but I thought I could just leave this here, and if anyone wants to check in, that'd be nice! Feedback is...
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